Ryotei Sagano
- Area
- Hakata-Station and Fukuoka
1807年創業の老舗の鰻料理店。 7代に渡って受け継がれた秘伝の甘辛いタレが塗られ、最高級の炭である紀州備長炭を使って焼き上げられた鰻は非常に美味しい。 皮が香ばしく、身は口に入れるとホロリとくずれるほどふっくらとしており、上品な味わいだ。 一番人気の鰻重には、ふんだんに鰻の蒲焼きが盛り付けられ、ボリュームがある。 その他、う巻などの一品料理も充実しており、鰻のコース料理もある。 店は約100年前に建てられた木造の大きな一軒家で非常に趣があり、店内も和の雰囲気に満ちていて、良い感じだ。 ランチタイムには行列が出来ることが多いので、時間をずらすか、予約を取っておいた方が良い。(※予約ができる時間帯は11時からのみ)
Ryoriya So, NISEKO/Japanese Cuisine
Branch of Michelin 2-star kaiseki restaurant (traditional Japanese) in Sapporo, open only in winter.
Odaiba Takoyaki Museum
One of the pillars of Osaka food, Takoyaki is a cheap eat (B-kyu – meaning B-level) and part of Kansai people’s soul food. The museum is more like a food court where visitors can taste takoyaki from 5 famous shops. There is also a shop selling takoyaki designed goods.
ミシュラン二つ星の日本料理店。 季節ごとの食材を華やかに盛り付けた料理は、目でも舌でも楽しむことが出来る。 主人の中川氏は非常に研究熱心で、絶えず日本中を食べ歩き、良いアイデアや料理法などを自分の料理に取り込んでいる。 石川県を中心とした北陸地方の季節の味が美しく盛られた一皿である「盛り込み」は、何が供されるのか楽しみな逸品だ。 「鮑と氷見うどんの肝みそ和え」は、じっくり3時間蒸した鮑の身と肝、そしてバターを氷見うどんと和えており、ほろ苦い肝のソースが秀逸、日本酒が欲しくなる。 料理はコースのみだが、ランチは2,500円から、ディナーは5,000円からと、非常にリーズナブルというか安すぎる価格設定となっている。 人気がある上に、ランチ4組、ディナー4組しかお客を受け付けていないので、当然のごとくほぼ予約が取れない。 浅野川沿いの古民家をリノベーションした店は、和の雰囲気に満ちている。 また個室のみなのでゆったりと食事が楽しめるのも良い。 特に2階は川を眺めることも出来る特等席だ。 店主と女将の接客は温かく感じが良い。
Kamiya Bar
Established in 1880, Kamiya Bar is known as the oldest bar in Tokyo. Their specialty is denkiburan, a slightly sweet cocktail that was the first one ever invented in Japan. Brandy is used as the base with gin, wine, curacao, and medicinal herbs mixed together. With a long-established dignified feel, the bar is on the […]
Whity Umeda
Whity Umeda forms a large part of the underground shopping center below Osaka Station. The shopping center is visited by around 600,000 people per day – the most visitors out of any shopping center in Japan. There are over 70 restaurants rich in variety, with reasonable prices in comparison to the pricey food stores inside […]
- Area
- Osaka North and 大阪府
Wood Egg Okonomiyaki-kan
Wood Egg Okonomiyaki-kan is a facility with okonomiyaki as a theme, run by Otafuku Sauce Company, the No.1 okonomiyaki sauce producer. You can enjoy viewing the sauce factory and exhibiting the museum, as well as cooking okonomiyaki yourself. Reservation required
- Area
- Hiroshima City Central Area and Hiroshima
- Activities
- グルメ, 体験, 観光, 観光施設, and お好み焼き/たこ焼き
お好み焼 美津の
- Activities
- グルメ and お好み焼き/たこ焼き
Tanga Market
Tanga Market is called the “kitchen of Kitakyushu. It began as a riverside fish market in the 1910s, and took its present form around 1955. Centered on an old-fashioned-looking arcade extending approximately 180 meters from north to south, 120 stores selling fresh fish, fruits and vegetables, meat, and prepared foods are lined up, creating an […]
The 2nd basement floor of LUCUA Osaka has many food-related stores. The “Paruchika” area has a 27 individual stalls that sell a range of cuisines at reasonable prices, and stay open as late as midnight. The “Food Hall” area is centered around a high-class supermarket with a wide range of ingredients and food products, and […]
- Area
- Osaka North and 大阪府
Namikiyabu Soba
A famous soba shop of towari soba – soba noodles made from 100% buckwheat flour. Regarded as having the saltiest soup broth in Tokyo, it is made over 1 week in advance, and deliciously elevates the flavor and aroma of the soba noodles.
Also known as the “Sacred Land of Barhopping”, Uratenma houses many cheap but delicious restaurants with warm atmospheres. There are some restaurants that use just a simple vinyl plastic sheet for their entrance, have a cheap-looking interior, or require you to drink and eat while standing, but the overall atmosphere is very welcoming and somewhat […]
- Area
- Osaka North and 大阪府
- Activities
- グルメ and お好み焼き/たこ焼き
Kobe Brick Warehouse
This warehouse, built with red bricks, was constructed 120 years ago. Now, it is a small, fashionable place with 7 different restaurants and stores. When the sun sets, the warehouse lights up and creates a wondrous atmosphere.
A food floor on the basement level of Hakata Hankyu that is very popular with tourists and locals for good reason. Everywhere you look are high quality sweets, boxed lunches, and delicatessen sold at reasonable prices. There is also a food court (100 seats) called “Hankyu Umaka Shokudo,” where seven restaurants featuring Osaka and Kyushu […]
- Area
- Hakata-Station and Fukuoka
1-13-5 Kita 1-jo, Kutchan-cho, Abuta-gun, Hokkaido
- Activities
- 日本料理
1-6-1 Daiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo [Decks Tokyo Beach 5th floor]
- Activities
- フードコート
5-19-1, Kita8johigashi, Higashi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
- Activities
- 海鮮
4-2-18 Uomachi, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu-shi, Fukuoka
Basement 2F, 3-1-3 Umeda, Kita-ku, Osaka
- Area
- Osaka North, 大阪府
- Activities
- レストラン街
1F N. Grande Building, 3-6 Minami 5-jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
1-5-5 Higashi Kawaki-chou, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
Hakata Hankyu 1F, 1-1, Hakata Station Chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka
- Area
- Hakata-Station, Fukuoka
- Activities
- レストラン街