Ainokura gassho-zukuri village
The village is located in the mountains on a narrow plateau measuring approximately 500 meters from north to south and 250 meters from east to west, and is lined with 20 gassho-style houses built between 100 and 350 years ago. A 5-minute walk up the road from the side of the parking lot leads to […]
Misen Summit/Observation Deck
From the 3-story observatory at the summit (535 m above sea level), visitors can enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view of the Seto Inland Sea, islands, and the Ōtorii Gate. The scenery is so spectacular that it has received the highest rating of 3 stars in the Michelin Green Guide. The summit of Mt. Misen is […]
Atomic Bomb Dome
The architecture was originally constructed in 1915 as a promotion hall, Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall Hiroshimaken Sangyo Suishokan, but it almost entirely destroyed due to the explosion of the atomic bomb that took place 600 meters above sea level on August 6th 1945. (※The 30 some employees who were working inside the building at […]
Itsukushima Shrine
It is the most famous sightseeing spot on Miyajima and a World Heritage Site (cultural). Based on its unique structure and the unbelievable idea of using the sea as its grounds, the shrine elegantly stands while the scenery changes dramatically with the rise and fall of the tide every six hours. Especially at high tide, […]
Suganuma gassho-zukuri village
Surrounded by steep mountains and the Shogawa River, it is a small village measuring approximately 230 meters from north to south and 240 meters from east to west, with nine gassho-zukuri houses remaining. Of these, two were built at the end of the Edo period (1603-1868), and seven were built after the Meiji period (1868-1912).
宮島の中央部にある標高535 mの山で、厳島神社と一体で世界遺産に登録されている。 古来より宮島の御神体として崇められてきた霊峰で、神聖な場所として長い間立ち入る人もほとんどいなかったため、今も手付かずの原生林が豊かに広がっている。 広島県でNo.1のパワースポットでもある。 真言宗の開祖で、日本では非常に有名な僧侶の弘法大師(774〜835年)によって806年に開山されたと伝わる。 弥山の山頂から眺めることが出来る瀬戸内海の風景は非常に素晴らしく、ミシュラン・グリーンガイドでも最上級の3つ星評価を得ている。 山頂から見る絶景とご利益を求めて多くの人が訪れるが、特に毎年元旦には初日の出を拝もうとする人たちで非常に混み合う。 なお、山頂付近には寺院建築物や巨岩群などの見所も点在している。
616 Ainokura, Nanto City, Toyama
5101, Imadomari, Nakjin Village, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa
- Area
- Nakijin Castle Ruin, Okinawa
Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-shi, Hiroshima
1-10 Otemachi, Nakaku Hiroshimashi Hiroshima
1-1 Miyajimacho, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima
1-10 Otemachi, 1 Nakajimacho Nakaku Hiroshimashi Hiroshima