America Mura
A popular place among young people in Kansai and the birthplace of many trends, America Mura is a place where many Kansai youth and teens hang out. Despite being beign only 300m by 500m in area, there are numerous import & second-hand stores, general stores, cafes, galleries, music instrument shops and more – a chaotic […]
Sennichimae Doguyasuji Shopping Street
A roughly 160m-long shopping arcade lined with 50 or so stores that sell kitchen utilities, machines and tools targeted at professional chefs and cooks. Of course, you don’t have to be a professional to shop here, so if you’re interested in cooking, it may be worth having a look for new kitchen utensils here. The […]
Shinsaibashisuji shopping district
The shopping district with over 250 years of history, and consists of roads with a length of 580m from north to south. Lining the sides of the streets you can find department, brand, fashion, general, drug, sweet and souvenir stores and restaurants – approximately 180 stores altogether. On the average weekday around 60,000 people go […]
Yanaka Ginza Shopping Street
About 60 unique stores of various kinds, including delicatessens, sweets, sundries, cafes, and restaurants, line both sides of the 170-meter-long narrow street. The combination of factors such as “the shopkeepers’ warm-heartedness,” “nostalgic atmosphere,” and “many inexpensive and delicious side dishes and sweets for eating and walking around” make it a very popular place for both […]
Janjan Yokocho Alley
The narrow and long Nanyodori Shotengai has a street length of 180 meters from the south to the north, with a width of 2.5 meters that starts from the Dobutsuen-mae Station on the metro, all the way to Tsutenkaku, and it is known as Janjan Yokocho Alley. The nickname Janjan Yokocho Alley comes from the […]
Onomichi Hon-dori Shopping Street
This arcade shopping street stretches about 1.5 km east of JR Onomichi Station and has a retro feel. Most of the approximately 300 stores are nothing special, but there are more than a few cool general stores, hip cafes, and stores where you can buy and eat Onomichi’s original souvenirs and food.
菓子屋横丁」は、全長約80mの風情ある石畳の路地で、レトロな感じの菓子屋や和風スイーツ店が約20軒並び、菓子の甘い香りとノスタルジックな雰囲気が漂っている。 煎餅・カルメ焼・飴玉などの昔ながらの駄菓子や、さつまいものソフトクリームや饅頭などのスイーツを買って食べ歩くことが出来る。 菓子屋横丁の真ん中あたりにある「松陸製菓」では、約1mと驚くほど長い麸菓子を売っている。 SNS映えするし、価格も600円と高くなく、味も甘くて美味しいというのは良いのだが、持ち歩くのが面倒なので、写真を撮ったら友人と分けてすぐ食べた方が良い。
川越一番街は、約400mの風情がある通りで、川越で最も賑わうエリアだ。 江戸時代(1603〜1868年)後期から明治時代(1868〜1912年)にかけて建てられた30棟余りの蔵造りの建物が立ち並んでいる。 ※通りが歩行者専用となっておらず双方向に車が通るのでちょっと落ち着かないのが難点。 かつて東京に多数あった蔵造りの建物は、関東大震災 (1923年)や第二次世界大戦時のアメリカ軍による空襲によって失われてしまったため、川越の蔵造りの町並みはより一層重要な歴史的遺産となっている。
Kaigan Street
Kaigan-dori is a seaside street running parallel to the south side of Onomichi Hon-dori shopping street. Stylish restaurants, cafes, and stores line the street.
Chayamachi is the trendiest part of Kita, located on the north side of Hankyu Umeda Station. With fashion stores that feature some of the most popular brands amongst people in their 20s and 30s and street-level stores, it is the birthplace of many fashion trends. There are also many trendy cafes that are great if […]
Tenjin Chikagai
This underground shopping mall connects Tenjin Station and Tenjin-Minami Station on the subway line. The 590-meter-long street is designed to resemble a 19th century European townscape, and is lined on both sides with approximately 150 stores and restaurants, mainly fashion and sundry goods stores and cafes. It is directly connected to almost all the commercial […]
Horie is perhaps the most refined and high-class area of Osaka, full of shops (including fashion, general goods, furniture), cafes and so on. If the nearby “America mura” is the place for rebellious young people, then Horie is the place for trendy young people. Horie is more open and spacious in comparison to the other […]
Hondori Shotengai Hondori Shopping Street
Hondori Shotengai is a 600m long arcade-shaped shopping street that lies across from the east to the west with roughly 200 shops and restaurants. It is known as the busiest quarter in the Chugoku and Shikoku region, and it is always lively with roughly 100,000 people visiting everyday.
- Area
- Hiroshima City Central Area and Hiroshima
Hakata Kawabata Shotengai
With a history of more than 130 years, this is the oldest shopping arcade in Hakata. The 400-meter-long arcade connecting Hakata Riverain and Canal City Hakata is lined with 130 long-established stores and restaurants. The slightly retro atmosphere makes it fun to walk around.
- Area
- Nakasu Kawabata and Fukuoka
Nipponbashi ・ Ota Road
Originally centered on household electronics and parts, in recent years the downtown Nipponbashi area has experienced a dramatic increase in the number of otaku shops, much like Akihabara. On the side of Otaroad (“otaku road”) there is a large parking lot, where you can often find “itasha” cars decorated with pictures of cute anime girls. […]
Kobe Brick Warehouse
This warehouse, built with red bricks, was constructed 120 years ago. Now, it is a small, fashionable place with 7 different restaurants and stores. When the sun sets, the warehouse lights up and creates a wondrous atmosphere.
Nanbasennichimae Chuo-ku ,Osaka
3 Ebisuhigashi, Naniwaku Osakashi, Osaka
Higashi Goshocho and Tsuchido-cho, Onomichi, Hiroshima
- Activities
- 商店街
1-Otemachi 2-Kamiyacho, Hondori Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi
- Activities
- 商店街
4, Kamikawabatamachi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka
- Area
- Nakasu Kawabata, Fukuoka
- Activities
- 商店街
3-5 Chome Nipponbashi Naniwaku, Osaka
- Area
- 大阪府
- Activities
- 商店街通り/街道アニメ・漫画・サブカルチャー
1-7 Nishi 2-3 Jo Minami, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido