峠 / 展望台
Tsubetsu Pass Observation Facility
Tsubetsu Pass is the highest of the four passes around Lake Kussharo, at 947 meters above sea level. It offers a 360-degree panorama with an unobstructed view of Lake Kussharo below, the Sea of Okhotsk, the Shiretoko Mountain Range, and Daisetsuzan. If your timing is right, be sure to see the sea of clouds and […]
- Area
- Hokkaido and Lake Akan / Mashu / Kussharo
Heart Shape Bay Viewpoint
This is an observatory located on high ground along Prefectural Road 626. Looking down on the bay from here, the view is not “beautiful” but somehow heart-shaped. If you come here as a couple and look at the heart-shaped bay together, or take a selfie with the heart in the background, it will surely be […]
- Area
- Amami Oshima and Kagoshima
Senkōji Park
Senkōji Park stretches from the top of 144-meter-high Senkōji Mountain to the mid-slope. From the observatory in the park, visitors can enjoy beautiful views of the city of Onomichi, the Seto Inland Sea, and the islands, with the evening view being particularly spectacular. On a clear day, the mountains of Shikoku can be seen in […]
Tsutenkaku is the symbol of Shinsekai, and it is even called the “Eiffel Tower of Naniwa (Osaka)” – likely an over-exaggeration. It was built in 1912 but deconstructed in 1943 after experiencing a fire, and rebuilt in 1956 with a great increase in height from 64 meters to 103 meters. The 5th floor is known […]
羽田空港 展望デッキ
羽田空港では3つターミナル全てに展望デッキがある。 入場料もなく、眺めも良いので搭乗時間まで時間を潰すには良い場所かもしれない。 ここは小さな男の子連れのファミリーにとっては素晴らしい場所だろう。 のべつまくなしに発着する飛行機を間近に見ることが出来るので、普段は走り回って君達の言うことなど全く聞かない彼らも、ここでは大喜びで歓声を上げるだけで、基本的には良い子でいてくれる。 3つのターミナルの展望デッキは向いている方角がそれぞれ違うため、見ることの出来る景色が全て異なる。 各ターミナルの展望デッキの特徴を以下で記す。 第1ターミナルの展望デッキ(国内線/6階+屋上) 高層ビル群や東京湾、(天気が良い時は)富士山など360度のパノラマを楽しむことが出来る。 ここは西向きのデッキなので夕陽が素晴らしく、また南側にある大きな工業地帯の夜景も美しい。 第2ターミナルの展望デッキ(国内線/5階) 東京湾を行き交う船や大きな橋など湾岸エリアのパノラマを楽しむことが出来る。 が、ここで一番素晴らしいのは、日没後のイルミネーションだ。 約4000個のLEDによる照明が滑走路の光と合わさって非常にロマンチックだ。 屋内には滑走路を見ながら食事ができるレストランもあるので、デートにも使える。 第3ターミナルの展望デッキ(国際線/5階) 滑走路までの距離が遠いため、飛行機が離着陸する際の迫力が国内線ターミナルの展望デッキと比べると少し落ちる。 ただ、第1ターミナルビルや管制塔など飛行場らしいものが良く見えるし、国際線ターミナルだけあって世界中から飛んできた色とりどりの航空機を見ることが出来るので、一番「飛行場にいる」と感じることが出来る場所だ。
Kobe Port Tower
This crimson tower, looming at a height of 108 meters, is another landmark of Kobe. From the top of the observatory, you can see everything from the Rokko mountains to the ocean. At dusk, 7000 LED lights illuminate the tower. Every season, the light patterns also change.
Mt. Yui Observatory
The observatory is about 2 km up from Kochiyama Observation Deck. The two observatories are close to each other, so it may be a good idea to visit them together, but the view from Yuidake Observatory is not great at all. In fact, the view along the road about 150 m before the observatory is […]
- Area
- Amami Oshima and Kagoshima
Ayamaru Misaki
The cape juts out into the Pacific Ocean. The grounds of the observatory, which is located on a hill, are grassy and nice. Since there is nothing around the observatory, the view from it is spectacular. The contrast of the blue ocean, white sandy beach, jungle green with rutus and sandalwood, and blue sky is […]
- Area
- Amami Oshima and Kagoshima
The lighthouse is located at the northernmost tip of Amami Oshima Island, about 5 minutes up a steep mountain road from a road dead end. The elevation is about 60 meters and the field of view is about 270 degrees, so the view from the lighthouse site is very good, offering a panoramic view of […]
- Area
- Amami Oshima and Kagoshima
展望デッキ(福岡空港 国内線ターミナル)
キャッチフレーズは、“日本一飛行機に近い展望デッキ”。 延べ床面積は約4,378㎡と広々しており、2層構造(3階と4階)の4階からは360度を見渡すことが出来る。 間近で見る飛行機の離着陸の様子は迫力があり、見飽きることがない。 また、展望デッキの床に設置された685個のLEDは夜になるとライトアップされ、滑走路の航空灯とあわせて、綺麗でロマンチックな感じだ。 これだけの内容にもかかわらず、無料だというのも良い。 デッキの4階部分にはビアガーデン「ソラガ・ミエール」が隣接しており、美味しい生ビールや料理などを楽しむことが出来る。
Lion Rock Observation Deck
The lion rock observation deck is located near the ropeway’s Shishiiwa Station. At 433 meters above sea level, there is no obstruction of view; you can enjoy a panoramic view of the Seto Inland Sea and islands of various sizes, even Shikoku can be seen on a clear day. The view is especially beautiful in […]
Kobe Brick Warehouse
This warehouse, built with red bricks, was constructed 120 years ago. Now, it is a small, fashionable place with 7 different restaurants and stores. When the sun sets, the warehouse lights up and creates a wondrous atmosphere.
Mt. Moiwa Ropeway
Sapporo city is beautiful at night. In 2015 the city was selected as 1 of the 3 new top 3 cities with beautiful night views. Climb to the summit–altitude 513 meters–of Mt. Moiwa via ropeway, and once you reach you are welcomed with a panoramic view of a city twinkling like a box of jewels […]
Bihoro Pass
Bihoro Pass is a 525m high mountain pass located on the outer rim of the Kussharo Caldera. The view from here is an unbelievably brilliant panorama, and is one of the most spectacular views in Hokkaido. Not only do you have a panoramic view of the 57km-long Lake Kussharo, but you can also see Mt. […]
- Area
- Hokkaido and Lake Akan / Mashu / Kussharo
Sarakurayama Observatory
Sarakurayama has long been famous for its excellent views. From the base of the mountain, take the cable car and slope car to the summit, which is 622 meters above sea level, in about 10 minutes. *The cable car and slope car run every 20 to 30 minutes. At the top of the mountain, there […]
Mt. Rokko
At an altitude of 773 meters, the peak of Mt. Rokko is also a shopping and dining center. Mt. Rokko has four spots designated for sky watching, but the Tenran Observatory at Rokko Sanjou Station is the best among them. The city lights from this spot shine bright just like a diamond in your hands. […]
Umeda Sky Building / Kuchu Teien Observatory
The high-rise Umeda Sky Building was constructed so that the two individual buildings join at the top to form a design that looks like a floating spaceship. With a global reputation, every year the building is visited by over a million tourists and was once featured in a British magazine article on the “Top 20 […]
- Area
- Osaka North and 大阪府
Kottaro Marsh Observatory
This observatory is located at the northeastern edge of Kushiro Marsh on a small hill. Compared to other observatories in Kushiro Marsh, the view from this observatory is “inferior”. However, if you are lucky, you can see beautiful Japanese cranes. The nearby road is a narrow gravel road, so be careful when driving.
Gamozaki Kanko Park
The park is located on high ground 120 meters above sea level. It is about a 10-minute drive up a narrow, winding mountain road from Prefectural Road 602. After a short walk along the green-covered promenade from the parking lot, you will come to an observation deck, which opens up a panoramic view. The view […]
- Area
- Amami Oshima and Kagoshima
Salvo Observatory
This observatory stands on a small hill at an altitude of about 70 meters. From here, you can see five large and small lakes and marshes centered on Lake Tangoro, as well as Kushiro Marsh. If you visit in summer, you can see the beautiful contrast between the lush greenery and the blue created by […]
Shiretoko Pass
A 738-meter altitude pass located approximately halfway along the Shiretoko Highway connecting Utoro on the Sea of Okhotsk side and Rausu on the Nemuro Channel side. Popular as a photogenic spot where visitors can enjoy a magnificent view. Mt. Rausu — the highest mountain in the Shiretoko mountains — directly in front of you, the […]
県道86号線から国道331号線へ下っていく途中にある、全長約660mの絶景スポット。 高低差約80mの断崖の上下を、連続する2つの橋が、大きくカーブを描きながら結んでおり、通るとまるで空中をドライブしているかのような感覚になる。 ちなみに上(山側)がニライ橋で、下(海側)がカナイ橋 ※ニライカナイとは、現地の言葉で「海の向こうにある理想郷」という意味だ。 ニライ橋・カナイ橋をドライブする場合は、海を見下ろす絶景を眺めることが出来る、山側から海側へと下るルートを採るべきだ。 ※海側から山側へと上るルートはあまり眺めが良くない。 なお、ニライ橋・カナイ橋のドライブには、橋の上は駐車禁止で、かつ急なカーブが多い道であるため、運転者はじっくり絶景を見ることが出来ないという“致命的な”欠点がある。 車を運転する君は、トンネル(ニライ橋・カナイ橋の頂上付近)にある展望所に行け。 この展望所は、海からは多少遠いが、標高が150mもあるので、ニライ橋・カナイ橋の全景や太平洋を見渡すなどの素晴らしいパノラマビューを楽しむことが出来る。
Kochiyama Observatory
It is the observatory with the best view in Amami Oshima (probably) and is located at an altitude of 415 meters above sea level. The observatory is a rather cute mushroom-shaped building, but a superb view awaits you on the top floor. The top floor offers a superb view of the Oshima Strait with its […]
- Area
- Amami Oshima and Kagoshima
Futatsu no Umiga Mieruoka & Kahsiken Pass
It is a place where one can view two oceans at the same time: the East China Sea on the left and the Pacific Ocean on the right. The view is nce since it is located near the top of the mountain. However, the location is a little difficult to find, so please be careful. […]
- Area
- Amami Oshima and Kagoshima
Hoso-oka Observatory
Hoso-oka Observatory is located on a hill on the east side of Kushiro Marsh. There are several observatories overlooking the marsh, but this one is the only one that captures its entirety. It’s a must visit! From here, you can see a wonderful panorama of greenery, the Kushiro River meandering through the marsh, the majestic […]
Kushiro City Marshland Observatory
The Kushiro City Marshland Observatory is the best-maintained observatory near the city and the airport, and is located at the western edge of Kushiro Marsh. From the observation deck on the third floor and the rooftop, you can enjoy a panoramic view of the marshland, Kushiro city, and the Pacific Ocean. The first floor has […]
- Area
- Hokkaido and New Chitose Airport
716 Kamisato, Tsubetsu-cho, Abashiri-gun, Hokkaido
- Activities
- 峠 / 展望台
19-1 Nishitsuchido-cho, Onomichi, Hiroshima
1-18-6 Ebisuhigashi, Naniwaku Osakashi, Osaka Prefecture
Yo, Oaza, Kasari-cho, Amami-shi, Kagoshima
- Area
- Amami Oshima, Kagoshima
- Activities
- 峠 / 展望台
Miyajima, Hatsukaichi-shi, Hiroshima
1-5-5 Higashi Kawaki-chou, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
5-3-7 Fushimi, Sapporo Chuo-ku, Hokkaido
Furu-ume National Forest, Bihoro-cho, Abashiri-gun, Hokkaido
1481-1 Ogura, Yahatahigashi-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka
- Activities
- 峠 / 展望台
Umeda Sky Building 39 / 40F 1-1 Oyodonaka Kita-ku, Osaka
- Area
- Osaka North, 大阪府
1397 Ushiroji, Tomocho Fukuyamashi Hiroshima
Yunosawa-cho, Rausu-cho, Menashi-gun, Hokkaido
184–5, Showa Shinzan, Sobetsu–cho, Usu–gun, Hokkaido
Akaogi, Tatsugo-cho, Oshima-gun, Kagoshima
- Area
- Amami Oshima, Kagoshima
6-11 Hokuto, Kushiro City, Hokkaido
- Area
- Hokkaido, New Chitose Airport
- Activities
- 峠 / 展望台