Kobe Nunobiki Herb Gardens & Ropeway
Known for being the best herb gardens in Japan, it is also the most easily accessible night view viewing spot in the mountains. You may choose to either watch from the bullet-train or go up 400 meters to the peak on the ropeway near Shin-Kobe Station. The gondola lift on the ropeway holds up to […]
Rikugien Garden
Rikugien is one of the most famous Japanese gardens in Tokyo and is designated as a Special Place of Scenic Beauty by the government. See below for details. Rikugien is one of the most famous Japanese gardens in Tokyo.
Ueno Farm
The garden is considered to be Japan’s “holy place for gardening” and is visited by tourists and gardening enthusiasts from all over Japan. Over 2,000 varieties of carefully selected flowers and plants suited to the northern climate have been planted on the 13,000 sq m site. The garden, which was created through a process of […]
Imperial Palace East Gardens (Observation of Inner Palace Grounds)
Part of the Edo Castle was turned into the Imperial Palace East Gardens when constructing the palace for the Emperor. It is necessary to register at Otemon (gate), but reservations in advance is not necessary and it’s free! *The inner grounds is massive, use the map below to get your bearings. Below are the main […]
- Area
- Tokyo Station Area and Tokyo
11代にわたり加賀藩の重臣として主に奉行職を務めた名家、野村家の屋敷跡だ。 明治時代に入って、野村家の武家屋敷は門と土塀以外は失われてしまい、現在の建物はある豪商が建てた屋敷の一部が移築されたものとなっている。 ※ちなみに、野村家の禄高は1,200石で、現在価値に直すと約2,400万円。 加賀藩という大組織の中では執行役員か部長くらいのランクだったと思われる。 この武家屋敷跡野村家は、庭園が素晴らしいことで有名。 曲水、樹齢400年以上の古木、名石・奇岩、灯篭などがバランスよく美しく配置されている。 「ミシュラン・グリーンガイド・ジャポン」の格付けで2つ星に、米国の庭園専門誌「ジャーナル・オブ・ガーデニング」の日本庭園ランキングで3位に選ばれているほどだ。 豪華で格式高い建物と情緒あふれる庭園も見事に調和している。 なお、建物内部も中々見応えがある。 山水画をほどこした襖、総檜造りの格天井、ギヤマン入りの障子戸などは、文化財としての価値も高い。 また、資料室には武具(刀剣・甲冑や、古美術品、書状などが展示されている。 なお、2階の茶室「不莫庵」では、美しい庭を見ながら抹茶と干菓子のセットを楽しむことが出来て、素晴らしい。 人気スポットのため、ゆっくりと見たければ午前中の早い時間が空いていてお勧めだ。
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- Nagamachibukeyashikiato and Ishikawa
Shikisai no Oka
Located atop a high hill, the garden is one of the must visit spots in Biei with a spectacular view. Enjoy in season flowers from spring to autumn. The garden takes up over 150,000 sq. m. of land and has roughly 30 kinds of flowers planted in stripes of red, yellow, pink, and white, so […]
Goryōkaku Park
If you look at Fort Goryokaku from right above, you’ll see it is shaped like a pentagram. It is the first western style castle and where the last samurais fought the new government army 150 years ago. Today it exists as a park. It’s open from 5am and entrance is free (too generous)! When spring […]
Shinei no Oka Observatory Park
Typical of Hokkaido scenery, the simple sprawling view of Biei’s rolling hills can be seen from this observatory park. The view of the sunset is especially famous for its beauty. The observatory park can be found midway through Panorama Road and a convenient break spot with bathrooms, a rest area, a parking lot, and shops.
Shukkeien is a Japanese garden featuring paths around the pond, which was constructed in 1620 in the villa of Nagaakira Asano, the feudal lord of Hiroshima at the time. It is said that it imitates the Xihu Lake in Hangzhou City from China. The atmosphere is splendid with various flowers blooming every season, such as […]
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- Hiroshima City Central Area and Hiroshima
The Tachibana Residence was built in 1738 by the fifth lord of the Yanagawa domain as his private residence. In 1910 during the Meiji period (1868-1912), a guest house and Japanese garden were built, and today the entire 23,100 m2 site is designated as a Place of Scenic Beauty in Japan.
Nunobiki 1-4-3, Kitano-chou, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
1-1, Chiyoda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
- Area
- Tokyo Station Area, Tokyo
Shinsei Dai 3, Biei, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido
Shinei Biboshi, Biei-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido
2-11 Kaminoborimachi, Nakaku Hiroshimashi Hiroshima