Sugi no Baba
This is a 500-meter walkway leading from the Akizuki Museum to the Akizuki Castle Ruins. It was once lined with cedar trees and used by samurai warriors to practice horsemanship, hence the name “Sugi no Baba.” The cedar trees were replaced by a large number of cherry trees in celebration of Japan’s victory in the […]
Lake Mashu
Lake Mashu is a caldera lake formed by the accumulation of water in a depression created by a huge eruption about 7,000 years ago. The lake is the second clearest in the world (the first is Lake Baikal in Russia). The reason for the high transparency is that there are no rivers flowing in or […]
- Area
- Hokkaido and Lake Akan / Mashu / Kussharo
Shiretoko Five Lakes
The Shiretoko Five Lakes are five lakes surrounded by lush primeval forests at the base of Mt.Rasau and Mout Iō. Shiretoko’s scenic mountains (1,500m class) and trees quietly reflect off the pristine surface of the lakes giving you a sense of healing; take in the wonderful views of the ocean, forests, mountains, and lakes all […]
Misen Summit/Observation Deck
From the 3-story observatory at the summit (535 m above sea level), visitors can enjoy a 360-degree panoramic view of the Seto Inland Sea, islands, and the Ōtorii Gate. The scenery is so spectacular that it has received the highest rating of 3 stars in the Michelin Green Guide. The summit of Mt. Misen is […]
県道86号線から国道331号線へ下っていく途中にある、全長約660mの絶景スポット。 高低差約80mの断崖の上下を、連続する2つの橋が、大きくカーブを描きながら結んでおり、通るとまるで空中をドライブしているかのような感覚になる。 ちなみに上(山側)がニライ橋で、下(海側)がカナイ橋 ※ニライカナイとは、現地の言葉で「海の向こうにある理想郷」という意味だ。 ニライ橋・カナイ橋をドライブする場合は、海を見下ろす絶景を眺めることが出来る、山側から海側へと下るルートを採るべきだ。 ※海側から山側へと上るルートはあまり眺めが良くない。 なお、ニライ橋・カナイ橋のドライブには、橋の上は駐車禁止で、かつ急なカーブが多い道であるため、運転者はじっくり絶景を見ることが出来ないという“致命的な”欠点がある。 車を運転する君は、トンネル(ニライ橋・カナイ橋の頂上付近)にある展望所に行け。 この展望所は、海からは多少遠いが、標高が150mもあるので、ニライ橋・カナイ橋の全景や太平洋を見渡すなどの素晴らしいパノラマビューを楽しむことが出来る。
Mt. Moiwa Ropeway
Sapporo city is beautiful at night. In 2015 the city was selected as 1 of the 3 new top 3 cities with beautiful night views. Climb to the summit–altitude 513 meters–of Mt. Moiwa via ropeway, and once you reach you are welcomed with a panoramic view of a city twinkling like a box of jewels […]
Mount Io
Mount Io is a 512-meter-high active volcano located between Lake Mashu and Lake Kussharo. Its other name is Atosanupuri, meaning “naked mountain” in Ainu. In the past, it was used as a mine to extract sulfur. With the blue sky in the background, the plumes of smoke and the sound of gurgling are quite impressive. […]
- Area
- Hokkaido and Lake Akan / Mashu / Kussharo
Rausu Kunashiri Observation Tower
This observatory – located on a hill 167m above sea level — presents a great panoramic view of Rausu city, the Shiretoko mountains, the Nemuro Channel, and Kunashir Island (about 25 km away). Stationed telescopes are available, which is nice.
A huge rock on the mountain path connecting the summit of Mt. Misen and the main hall. There is a small hole in the rock where water collects, and it is said that the water is salty and changes its level according to the tide of the sea.
Shiretoko Pass
A 738-meter altitude pass located approximately halfway along the Shiretoko Highway connecting Utoro on the Sea of Okhotsk side and Rausu on the Nemuro Channel side. Popular as a photogenic spot where visitors can enjoy a magnificent view. Mt. Rausu — the highest mountain in the Shiretoko mountains — directly in front of you, the […]
Bihoro Pass
Bihoro Pass is a 525m high mountain pass located on the outer rim of the Kussharo Caldera. The view from here is an unbelievably brilliant panorama, and is one of the most spectacular views in Hokkaido. Not only do you have a panoramic view of the 57km-long Lake Kussharo, but you can also see Mt. […]
- Area
- Hokkaido and Lake Akan / Mashu / Kussharo
Momijidani Park
Located at the foot of Mt. Misen primeval forest, Momijidani Park is widely known for its autumn foliage. In November, about 700 maple trees turn bright red and yellow. Cherry blossoms in spring and early summer’s fresh green leaves are something to see as well. Take a moment to enjoy a cup of tea with […]
Farm Tomita
Farm Tomita is a sightseeing farm with a vast flower garden boasting as many as 80 varieties of flowers, mainly lavender. It is one of Hokkaido’s main attractions, visited by approximately 1 million tourists every year from all over Japan and abroad (*before Covid19) for its beautiful flowers and spectacular scenery. Various flowers bloom from […]
Shinei no Oka Observatory Park
Typical of Hokkaido scenery, the simple sprawling view of Biei’s rolling hills can be seen from this observatory park. The view of the sunset is especially famous for its beauty. The observatory park can be found midway through Panorama Road and a convenient break spot with bathrooms, a rest area, a parking lot, and shops.
Shikisai no Oka
Located atop a high hill, the garden is one of the must visit spots in Biei with a spectacular view. Enjoy in season flowers from spring to autumn. The garden takes up over 150,000 sq. m. of land and has roughly 30 kinds of flowers planted in stripes of red, yellow, pink, and white, so […]
Jigokudani(Hell Valley)
Jigokudani is the aftermath of a volcanic repution that took place 10,0000 years ago. The crater you see today has diameter of 450 meters and an area of 11,000 square meters, and is the most popular tourist attraction in Noboribetsu Onsen. Located in the northeastern part of Noboribetsu Onsen, Jigokudani or “Hell’s Valley” gets its […]
- Area
- Noboribetsu and Hokkaido
Lake Notoro
Lake Notoro – a massive saltwater lake spanning 580,000m2 connected to the Sea of Okhotsk – is home to primeval flowers along the lakeside, famous especially for the infinite sea of red from the Salicornia europaea (also known as Sangocho) in autumn. Mid- to late-September is the best time to visit, when the deep red […]
Lake Mashu Observatory No.1
There are three observatories on Lake Mashu, but this one is the most popular and famous. Located at the top of Lake Mashu’s outer rim at an elevation of about 520 meters, the observatory offers a panoramic view of the deep blue waters of Lake Mashu, Mt. Oakandake, the Kushiro plains, the Pacific Ocean and […]
- Area
- Hokkaido and Lake Akan / Mashu / Kussharo
Shirahige Waterfall
The water gushing out and falling 30 meters comes from Mt. Tokachi’s underground water. If you want a great view of it all, head over to “Blue River Bridge”, the bridge standing over Biei River. In winter, the splashes of water and steam magically create silver frost on the trees, depicting a fantasy-like wonder. And, […]
Kuroshio no Mori Mangrove Park
A nature park adjacent to a virgin mangrove forest. The observation deck with a great view overlooking the vast virgin mangrove forest and the boardwalk where visitors can observe the plants up close are free of charge! In the fee-charging zone, there is a mangrove pavilion where you can learn about nature, a ground golf […]
宮島の中央部にある標高535 mの山で、厳島神社と一体で世界遺産に登録されている。 古来より宮島の御神体として崇められてきた霊峰で、神聖な場所として長い間立ち入る人もほとんどいなかったため、今も手付かずの原生林が豊かに広がっている。 広島県でNo.1のパワースポットでもある。 真言宗の開祖で、日本では非常に有名な僧侶の弘法大師(774〜835年)によって806年に開山されたと伝わる。 弥山の山頂から眺めることが出来る瀬戸内海の風景は非常に素晴らしく、ミシュラン・グリーンガイドでも最上級の3つ星評価を得ている。 山頂から見る絶景とご利益を求めて多くの人が訪れるが、特に毎年元旦には初日の出を拝もうとする人たちで非常に混み合う。 なお、山頂付近には寺院建築物や巨岩群などの見所も点在している。
Genya, Teshikaga-cho, Kawakami-gun, Hokkaido
Onnebetsu Village, Shari-cho, Shari-gun, Hokkaido
Miyajima-cho, Hatsukaichi-shi, Hiroshima
112 Tsuruoka, Kushiro City, Hokkaido
1506-15, Setoda-machi Tarumi, Onomichi-shi, Hiroshima
5-3-7 Fushimi, Sapporo Chuo-ku, Hokkaido
32-1, Rebun-cho, Rausu-cho, Menashi-gun, Hokkaido
23 Sen-40 Kamiakan, Akan-cho, Kushiro City, Hokkaido
Yunosawa-cho, Rausu-cho, Menashi-gun, Hokkaido
Furu-ume National Forest, Bihoro-cho, Abashiri-gun, Hokkaido
Shinei Biboshi, Biei-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido
Shinsei Dai 3, Biei, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido
Genya, Teshikaga-cho, Kawakami-gun, Hokkaido
Shirogane Biei, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido
478, Ishihara, Sumiyou-cho, Amami, Kagoshima
- Area
- Amami Oshima, Kagoshima
184–5, Showa Shinzan, Sobetsu–cho, Usu–gun, Hokkaido