This is a 500-meter walkway leading from the Akizuki Museum to the Akizuki Castle Ruins.

It was once lined with cedar trees and used by samurai warriors to practice horsemanship, hence the name “Sugi no Baba.”

The cedar trees were replaced by a large number of cherry trees in celebration of Japan’s victory in the war against Russia in 1905.

As a result, the street is now lined with about 200 cherry trees, and in spring, it becomes a beautiful 500-meter long “cherry blossom tunnel” that attracts many viewers.

The best time to view the beautiful pink tunnel is from late March to early April, when they are lit up at night, creating a brilliant atmosphere.

Along the streets of the old townscape remains, souvenir shops and restaurants line the streets, making it fun to walk around.

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Spot Details

Name Sugi no Baba
Address Akizuki no Tori, Asakura City, Fukuoka
Access A short walk from Hakabutsukan-mae bus stop on the Amagi Kanko Bus
TEL 0946-24-6758
Open 24 Hours
Closed Open 365 days per year
Price Free
Parking Available/Charge

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