Bunka Kissa Kyoshu
The café is housed in a gassho-style building. Through the large windows, patrons can enjoy the beautiful countryside scenery of the four seasons. The classical music carefully selected by the owner and antique interior decorations give a relaxing feeling. The menu is coffee only, and children are not allowed in the restaurant, so please be […]
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
Ogi-machi Castle Ruin Observation Area
This observatory was built on the site of the castle of Ujikatsu Yamashita, a vassal of the Uchigashima Tameji clan who ruled this area in the 15th century. The front of the observatory is a precipitous cliff.
Gassho-no-yado Magoemo
This guest house is housed in a 270-year-old gassho-zukuri building that exudes history and elegance. It stands along the Shogawa River. Both dinner and breakfast are hearty, featuring local cuisine such as river fish grilled slowly over an open firepit, Hida beef, and wild vegetables.
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
Irori is a local restaurant housed in a gassho-zukuri building with a nostalgic Japanese atmosphere, including a fireplace inside the restaurant. The “Yakitofu Set Meal,” which features Shirakawa-go’s specialty “Gassho Tofu” grilled on an iron plate and served with homemade sauce, is most recommended. The restaurant also offers a wide variety of dishes using locally […]
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
Gassho-no-yado Rihen
Built over 400 years ago, it is the oldest gassho-zukuri building among the guest houses in Shirakawa-go. Located near the main street of Shirakawa-go, it is convenient for sightseeing. Home-grown vegetables and local river fish are served for dinner.
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
Sobadokoro Nomura
You can enjoy freshly made buckwheat noodles using locally grown, aromatic buckwheat flour. Rice with maitake mushrooms is also available for an additional 200 yen.
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
Wada Family Residence
This is the Wada family residence, a prominent family that prospered in the niter trade during the Edo period and was the feudal lord of the area. It is the largest gassho-zukuri house in Shirakawa-go, and its elegance and beauty makes it one of the pillars of Shirakawa-go. Although it is more than 300 years […]
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
This café is housed in a gassho-style building. The warm hospitality of the owner and his wife, coffee brewed with natural water, and free refills of zenzai (sweet bean soup) are well received. The set menu that includes curry with zenzai and a drink is highly recommended. Incidentally, this café was featured in the 566th […]
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
Kanda Residence
The Kanda family, which split off from the Wada family, built this gassho-zukuri house around 1850. The four-story main house was built by a temple carpenter from Ishikawa Prefecture over a period of 10 years, and is a highly finished structure. The Kanda family once prospered through niter production and sericulture. The niter production area […]
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
This guest house is housed in a 200-year-old gassho-zukuri building. Dinner is a simple local cuisine such as grilled Hida beef with homemade miso and wild vegetable dishes.
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
Gassho-zukuri Minkaen
This open-air museum consists of 25 disused gassho-zukuri houses that have been relocated from various locations in Shirakawa-go and are being preserved and opened to the public; 9 of the 25 houses have been designated as important cultural properties. The park contains a shrine, a water mill, a stable, and other buildings that recreate the […]
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
This guest house is housed in a 300-year-old gassho-zukuri building. The dinner of local dishes such as wild vegetables and grilled Hida beef is very delicious. You can listen to the landlady play shamisen (three-stringed Japanese lute) beside the fireplace.
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
This guest house is housed in a 200-year-old gassho-zukuri building. The interior has been beautifully remodeled, and all rooms are equipped with heated floors and other new amenities for a comfortable stay.
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
レストラン ル・ミディ
飛騨牛をフレンチテイストで味わうことが出来るレストラン。 オーナーシェフの田上氏は、フランスの三つ星レストランなどで修行を積んだ後、独立してこの店を開いた。 この店は、ステーキ肉には高い等級の飛騨牛のみを仕入れ、それを一番美味しい状態になるまで約2週間かけて熟成させている。 ステーキ以外にも、飛騨牛の肉の特性を活かしたメニューや、地元の食材を使ったメニューが豊富に揃う。 ランチ時には、セットメニューが2,000円程度からあり、ステーキセットも4,000円程度で楽しむことが出来る。 店のお洒落な内外観は、パリにあるビストロを彷彿させる感じだ。
江戸時代の古い商家などの面影が残る町並みで、三町と八幡町、大新町は重要伝統的建造物群保存地区に選定されている。 江戸時代の趣を残す美しく重厚な町並み 狭い通りを挟んで、江戸時代後期~明治時代にかけての町家建築が並ぶノスタルジックなエリア。 建物をそのまま利用した土産物店、カフェ、ショップなどがあり、観光客で賑わう高山の観光名所。 町家を利用した良い雰囲気のカフェが多い。 和雑貨などかわいい小物が並ぶ雑貨店も多く、充実している。 三町は、高山市中心部に位置しており、「上一之町・上二之町・上三之町・下一之町・下二之町・下三之町」という6つの町で構成されている。 もっともにぎわうのは、上三之町周辺。 みやげ店やカフェなどが並び、日中は多くの観光客が行き交う。 それに対して、安川通りから北の下一之町、下二之町、下三之町は比較的静かで、のんびり散策するのに最適。
Sobasho Yamakoshi
This ryokan and buckwheat noodle restaurant is housed in a gassho-style building. The restaurant serves freshly ground, cooked, and boiled buckwheat noodles grown in its own farm to customers. The menu also includes river fish dishes and wild vegetables tempura.
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu