Large-scale poultry restaurant.

It uses only high quality local chicken raised free-range and fattened on a nearby poultry farm under its direct management.

In 2003, the restaurant became the talk of the town when the then Japanese emperor and his wife visited and dined at the restaurant.

In addition to chicken rice, the restaurant also serves delicious yakitori and other dishes.

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Spot Details

Name Keihan Hisakura
Address 516 ,Yanyu, Oshimagun Tatsugocho, Kagoshima
Access - By bus Take a Shima Bus from Amami Airport, get off at "Yaniu Hisakura-mae" bus stop, and walk for 1 minute. The trip takes about 20 to 35 minutes. There is a bus service approximately every 30 minutes.
- By car: 20 minutes from Amami Airport
TEL 0997-62-2988
Open 11:00 - 20:30
Closed Not fixed
Reservation Available
Credit Card Not Available
Parking Available/Non Charge (50cars)

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Amami Oshima

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