Tsubetsu Pass Observation Facility
Tsubetsu Pass is the highest of the four passes around Lake Kussharo, at 947 meters above sea level. It offers a 360-degree panorama with an unobstructed view of Lake Kussharo below, the Sea of Okhotsk, the Shiretoko Mountain Range, and Daisetsuzan. If your timing is right, be sure to see the sea of clouds and […]
- Area
- Hokkaido and Lake Akan / Mashu / Kussharo
Niseko Ekimae Onsen Kiranoyu
This onsen facility is only a one-minute walk from JR Niseko Station, and the prices are very reasonable. It is one of the few hot spring spas in Niseko that can be reached without a car. There is a Western-style bathhouse with a granite open-air bath and Jacuzzi, and a Japanese-style bathhouse with a rock […]
Lake Kussharo
Lake Kussharo, with a circumference of 57 km and an area of 79.3 km2, is the largest caldera lake in Japan. It was formed about 30,000 years ago inside the Kussharo Caldera, which is the largest caldera in Japan, measuring about 26 km east to west and 20 km north to south. Incidentally, the word […]
- Area
- Hokkaido and Lake Akan / Mashu / Kussharo
Kanno Farm
The flower fields spread on a hill along Hanabito Kaido Road (Route 237), 2 km west of JR Bibaushi Station. More than 30 kinds of flowers, mainly lavender, are in full bloom from mid-June to mid-October Vivid flowers cover the entire hillside, and from the roadside you can look up to see the flower garden. […]
川越大師 喜多院
喜多院は、慈覚大師(794〜864年)という非常に位の高い僧によって830年に創建された天台宗の名刹。 歴史的に価値のある建物や美術・工芸品を数多く有し、また素晴らしい庭があることで有名だ。 桜と紅葉の名所でもある。 少し喜多院の歴史について語る。 創建から長らくは無量寿寺という名前の寺であったが、1612年に高僧の天海僧正が住職となった際、喜多院と寺名が改められた。 天海僧正は、徳川幕府の創始者で絶大な権力を持っていた徳川家康(1543〜1616年)から大きな信任を得ていたため、喜多院は徳川幕府にとって特別な存在となった。 1638年に起きた川越エリアの大火で喜多院の建物はほぼ全てが焼失してしまうが、当時の将軍であった徳川家光(1604〜1651年)はすぐさま喜多院の再建にとりかかり、そして江戸城にあった別殿を移築して、喜多院の客殿と書院等としたほどの厚遇を見せた。 なお、この客殿と書院は、江戸城にあった際は、それぞれ「徳川家光の誕生の間」であり、女性の権力者として日本人の間では有名な「春日局の化粧の間」であった。 ※1657年に江戸城が焼失したため、この喜多院の客殿と書院が、創建時の江戸城の唯一の遺構となっている。 境内にある五百羅漢は、1782年から約50年間にわたり建立されたもので、表情の豊かな石の仏像が538体も鎮座している。
Wood Egg Okonomiyaki-kan
Wood Egg Okonomiyaki-kan is a facility with okonomiyaki as a theme, run by Otafuku Sauce Company, the No.1 okonomiyaki sauce producer. You can enjoy viewing the sauce factory and exhibiting the museum, as well as cooking okonomiyaki yourself. Reservation required
- Area
- Hiroshima City Central Area and Hiroshima
- Activities
- グルメ, 体験, 観光, 観光施設, and お好み焼き/たこ焼き
Lake Akan Ainu Kotan
In a corner of the Lake Akan hot spring resort, there is the Ainu Village, the largest Ainu village in Japan, where about 30 houses and 120 people live. The Ainu Theater Ikoro (where Ainu dances are performed), two museums introducing the culture, souvenir stores selling wood carving goods, and restaurants that serve Ainu local […]
- Area
- Hokkaido and Lake Akan / Mashu / Kussharo
Mosaic Big Ferris Wheel
This landmark of Harborland reaches a height of approximately 50 meters. If you stay for a ride, you can enjoy a 10-minute journey from up above. When the sun sets, about 120,000 LED lights colorfully light up the entire wheel.
Lake Akan
Lake Akanko is a freshwater lake located in eastern Hokkaido with a circumference of 30 km and an area of 13㎢. The entire area is included in the Akan-Mashu National Park, which is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Hokkaido. The blue surface of the lake, the beautiful silhouette of Mt. Oakandake, Mt. […]
Tenjinbashisuji Shopping Street
Because the strip is about 2.6 kilometers long, walking its total length will take approximately 40 minutes. Weekends will be especially crowded, so it will take longer. If you’re short on time, then just walk around 5 chome. The characteristics of each chome are as follows. 3 to 6 chome are generally very lively. Most […]
Club Bambi
Large open space that can fit 1000 people. Rare for Japan, the club allows 18 and 19 year-olds so there are many young, energetic people. Good for groups. Genres : EDM, R&B, hip-hop Clientele : Mainly people in their 20s, with a high proportion of flirty males * Must be over 18 to enter:ID checks
- Activities
- 観光, クラブ・ダンスホール, and ナイトライフ
Starbucks (Kitano, Kobe Ijinkan Store)
This Starbucks was originally the 2nd floor of a mansion that was built in 1907. An American lived in the building during that time. There are six rooms including the lounge, dining, and guest rooms. Starbucks kept this set up, along with the antique furniture. You won’t have to pay the entrance fee for the […]
Saltpeter Hall
The museum exhibits materials and tools that explain the process of saltpeter production, which was a major industry in Gokayama during the Edo period (1603-1868). Visitors can try their hand at shooting an old-fashioned gun, the flintlock rifle.
Tomori Beach
It is the closest beach from Amami Airport and is one of the most beautiful beaches on Amami Oshima. The beautiful emerald green sea is very clear, and corals grow in colonies. The gradation of the white sandy beach and the green, deep blue ocean interweave and make for a beautiful and fantastic experience. The […]
- Area
- Amami Oshima and Kagoshima
宮島の中央部にある標高535 mの山で、厳島神社と一体で世界遺産に登録されている。 古来より宮島の御神体として崇められてきた霊峰で、神聖な場所として長い間立ち入る人もほとんどいなかったため、今も手付かずの原生林が豊かに広がっている。 広島県でNo.1のパワースポットでもある。 真言宗の開祖で、日本では非常に有名な僧侶の弘法大師(774〜835年)によって806年に開山されたと伝わる。 弥山の山頂から眺めることが出来る瀬戸内海の風景は非常に素晴らしく、ミシュラン・グリーンガイドでも最上級の3つ星評価を得ている。 山頂から見る絶景とご利益を求めて多くの人が訪れるが、特に毎年元旦には初日の出を拝もうとする人たちで非常に混み合う。 なお、山頂付近には寺院建築物や巨岩群などの見所も点在している。
Umeda Sky Building / Kuchu Teien Observatory
The high-rise Umeda Sky Building was constructed so that the two individual buildings join at the top to form a design that looks like a floating spaceship. With a global reputation, every year the building is visited by over a million tourists and was once featured in a British magazine article on the “Top 20 […]
- Area
- Osaka North and 大阪府
Goryōkaku Tower
Standing 107 meters tall, the tower is located inside Goryōkaku Park near the entrance. The view of Goryōkaku from the observation deck is fabulous. You must climb up. You can also see the city of Hakodate, the sea, and mountains.
Dotonbori Glico Sign
Major Japanese manufacturer Glico put up the sign in 1935. The version currently on display is the sixth rendition, remade in 2014. The sign’s happy-looking, smiling male athlete raising both hands and his left leg after scoring is considered symbolic of the city of Osaka itself. From 30 mins after sunset until midnight the sign […]
Hakodate Magistrate’s Office
Located within Goryōkaku Park, the former Magistrate’s Office was restored completely in 2010. Recommended to those who are interested in history and Japanese architecture
Nipponbashi ・ Ota Road
Originally centered on household electronics and parts, in recent years the downtown Nipponbashi area has experienced a dramatic increase in the number of otaku shops, much like Akihabara. On the side of Otaroad (“otaku road”) there is a large parking lot, where you can often find “itasha” cars decorated with pictures of cute anime girls. […]
Aidomari Hot Spring
This is the easternmost hot spring in Japan. It is a very “wild” open-air bath, with a bathtub surrounded by a wooden frame dug into the gravel of the shore. Naturally, it is a pleasant experience to soak in the bathtub while enjoying the view of the ocean, but there are no stores, so you […]
America Mura
A popular place among young people in Kansai and the birthplace of many trends, America Mura is a place where many Kansai youth and teens hang out. Despite being beign only 300m by 500m in area, there are numerous import & second-hand stores, general stores, cafes, galleries, music instrument shops and more – a chaotic […]
Former British Consulate of Hakodate
Established as the British Consulate of Hakodate from 1859 to 1934. Today, the rooms of the consulate serve as exhibits re-creating what it was like during operation, as well as the history of Hakodate Port. A charming tea room can be found in the former consulate too.
It is an affiliate of CLUB Cat’s, whose concept is to offer a nightlife like that of Ibiza, Spain. It has a floor area of 230 square meters, two floors, and nine VIP rooms. Genre: All mix, EDM, House, etc. Clientele: 20’s to early 30’s No one under 20 years old is allowed to enter.
716 Kamisato, Tsubetsu-cho, Abashiri-gun, Hokkaido
- Activities
- 峠 / 展望台
5101, Imadomari, Nakjin Village, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa
- Area
- Nakijin Castle Ruin, Okinawa
Teshikaga-cho kawakami-gun, Hokkaido
1-6-1 Higashi Kawaki-chou, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
Lake Akan Onsen, Akan-cho, Kushiro City, Hokkaido
Seoki Tokyu Building B1, 1-18-27 Higashi-Shinsaibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
- Activities
- クラブ・ダンスホールナイトライフ
3-1-31 Kitanochou, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
Umeda Sky Building 39 / 40F 1-1 Oyodonaka Kita-ku, Osaka
- Area
- Osaka North, 大阪府
1506-15, Setoda-machi Tarumi, Onomichi-shi, Hiroshima
3-5 Chome Nipponbashi Naniwaku, Osaka
- Area
- 大阪府
- Activities
- 商店街通り/街道アニメ・漫画・サブカルチャー
4-119-48 Nagayama 11 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido