菓子屋横丁」は、全長約80mの風情ある石畳の路地で、レトロな感じの菓子屋や和風スイーツ店が約20軒並び、菓子の甘い香りとノスタルジックな雰囲気が漂っている。 煎餅・カルメ焼・飴玉などの昔ながらの駄菓子や、さつまいものソフトクリームや饅頭などのスイーツを買って食べ歩くことが出来る。 菓子屋横丁の真ん中あたりにある「松陸製菓」では、約1mと驚くほど長い麸菓子を売っている。 SNS映えするし、価格も600円と高くなく、味も甘くて美味しいというのは良いのだが、持ち歩くのが面倒なので、写真を撮ったら友人と分けてすぐ食べた方が良い。
Renovated from an old traditional building is this Japanese style café. Inside, a 150-year-old tea house still remains. Partake in delicious sweets, tea, or coffee in the elegant garden with beautiful seasonal flowers and plants such as cherry blossoms and autumn leaves, or enjoy them in the tatami room. From the window seats in the […]
Located near the east entrance, this stylish café-restaurant with white as its base color. In the open, glass-enclosed space, you can enjoy a menu that incorporates Kaga vegetables and other local ingredients, as well as sweets. The “Fusion Lunch,” which includes a main dish and an appetizer buffet for 1,500 yen, is especially recommended.
- Area
- 21st Century Museum and Ishikawa
LeTAO Head Store
The flagship store of an extremely popular Japanese Western-style sweets. The first floor is the shop and a cafe sits on the 2nd floor. The Double Fromage Cheesecake is a must order masterpiece.
レストラン ル・ミディ
飛騨牛をフレンチテイストで味わうことが出来るレストラン。 オーナーシェフの田上氏は、フランスの三つ星レストランなどで修行を積んだ後、独立してこの店を開いた。 この店は、ステーキ肉には高い等級の飛騨牛のみを仕入れ、それを一番美味しい状態になるまで約2週間かけて熟成させている。 ステーキ以外にも、飛騨牛の肉の特性を活かしたメニューや、地元の食材を使ったメニューが豊富に揃う。 ランチ時には、セットメニューが2,000円程度からあり、ステーキセットも4,000円程度で楽しむことが出来る。 店のお洒落な内外観は、パリにあるビストロを彷彿させる感じだ。
- Activities
- グルメ and お好み焼き/たこ焼き
People are always lining up to taste Roushouki’s Chinese buns; it’s no wonder they sell 13,000 a day! Established in 1915, this restaurant specializes in Chinese steamed buns with minced pork filling. The soft, springy dough is filled with juicy minced pork back ribs. A small bun is only 90 yen, but you do have […]
Starbucks (Kitano, Kobe Ijinkan Store)
This Starbucks was originally the 2nd floor of a mansion that was built in 1907. An American lived in the building during that time. There are six rooms including the lounge, dining, and guest rooms. Starbucks kept this set up, along with the antique furniture. You won’t have to pay the entrance fee for the […]
Oryori Furukawa
- Area
- Hakata-Station and Fukuoka
Sushi Soejima
- Area
- Hakata-Station and Fukuoka
ミシュラン二つ星の日本料理店。 季節ごとの食材を華やかに盛り付けた料理は、目でも舌でも楽しむことが出来る。 主人の中川氏は非常に研究熱心で、絶えず日本中を食べ歩き、良いアイデアや料理法などを自分の料理に取り込んでいる。 石川県を中心とした北陸地方の季節の味が美しく盛られた一皿である「盛り込み」は、何が供されるのか楽しみな逸品だ。 「鮑と氷見うどんの肝みそ和え」は、じっくり3時間蒸した鮑の身と肝、そしてバターを氷見うどんと和えており、ほろ苦い肝のソースが秀逸、日本酒が欲しくなる。 料理はコースのみだが、ランチは2,500円から、ディナーは5,000円からと、非常にリーズナブルというか安すぎる価格設定となっている。 人気がある上に、ランチ4組、ディナー4組しかお客を受け付けていないので、当然のごとくほぼ予約が取れない。 浅野川沿いの古民家をリノベーションした店は、和の雰囲気に満ちている。 また個室のみなのでゆったりと食事が楽しめるのも良い。 特に2階は川を眺めることも出来る特等席だ。 店主と女将の接客は温かく感じが良い。
Shiseido Parlour Salon de Cafe
This famous cafe managed by the large cosmetics company, Shiseido, first opened its doors in 1902. The interior brims chic and elegance inviting an air of refinement. A dedicated kitchen for making handmade vanilla ice cream that goes harmoniously with the acidity of the strawberries for a refreshing strawberry parfait, the french toast (with honey […]
- Area
- Ginza / Yurakucho and Tokyo
Ganso Motoyoshiya
This long-established restaurant, dating back to 1681, specializes in eel dishes and invented the Yanagawa specialty “Seiro-mushi (eel steamed in a bamboo basket)”. The most popular dish is the “Seiro-mushi teishoku (set meal).” The rice is coated with the same secret sauce that has been used since the establishment of the restaurant, topped with freshly […]
An upmarket eating space with 16 shops that sell various cuisines, located on the 6th floor of the Grand Front Osaka north building. Opening hours are from 11am to 4am which make it a very convenient option for dinner. You can eat in at a single restaurant, or order from multiple restaurants and eat in […]
- Area
- Osaka North and 大阪府
Kobe Brick Warehouse
This warehouse, built with red bricks, was constructed 120 years ago. Now, it is a small, fashionable place with 7 different restaurants and stores. When the sun sets, the warehouse lights up and creates a wondrous atmosphere.
City Dining Kuuten
This restaurant zone is located on the 9th and 10th floors of Amu Plaza. It is one of the largest in Japan for a commercial facility, and contains 47 restaurants, most of which are famous restaurants in Kyushu and Fukuoka. They type of restaurants widely vary, from high-end restaurants to cheap street food restaurants.
- Area
- Hakata-Station and Fukuoka
Janjan Yokocho Alley
The narrow and long Nanyodori Shotengai has a street length of 180 meters from the south to the north, with a width of 2.5 meters that starts from the Dobutsuen-mae Station on the metro, all the way to Tsutenkaku, and it is known as Janjan Yokocho Alley. The nickname Janjan Yokocho Alley comes from the […]
1-4-31, Adachi, Kokurakita-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
4-119-48 Nagayama 11 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido
2-1-14 Motomachi Dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo
3-1-31 Kitanochou, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
8-8-3 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo [Tokyo Ginza Shiseido Building 3rd floor]
- Area
- Ginza / Yurakucho, Tokyo
- Activities
- 喫茶店/カフェ
Grand Front Osaka North Building 6F, 3-1 Oofakachou Kita-ku, Osaka
- Area
- Osaka North, 大阪府
- Activities
- レストラン街
1-5-5 Higashi Kawaki-chou, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
Floor Amu Plaza in JR Hakata City 9th and10th, 1-1 Hakata Station Chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka
- Area
- Hakata-Station, Fukuoka
- Activities
- レストラン街
9F Hakata City, 1-1, Hakataekichuogai, Fukuoka Hakata-ku, Fukuoka
- Area
- Hakata-Station, Fukuoka
3 Ebisuhigashi, Naniwaku Osakashi, Osaka
Mojiko Center Building 1F, 1-4-7 Nishikaigan, Moji-ku, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka