Murakami House
A Four-story gassho-zukuri built around 1660. It is a valuable building that conveys the architectural style of approximately 360 years ago. Inside, several thousand items are on display, including materials related to the manufacture of gunpowder and Japanese paper. You can sit around the fireplace and listen to the head of the house explain about […]
Iwakuni Castle
Iwakuni Castle is located on the summit of a mountain 200m above sea level. From the rooftop observation platform on the top floor, you can see Kintaikyo, the entire Iwakuni City, as well as the various islands located in Seto Inland Sea, and the view is excellent. There is a ropeway from ground floor to […]
Hiroshima Castle
The castle was established in 1589 by Terumoto Mori, a powerful warlord, and consists of water drillings and greenery; it is quite a sight. Hiroshima Castle is also known as “The Castle of Carp,” and one of Japan’s most powerful baseball teams that has its home ground in Hiroshima, Toyo Carp, was named after this […]
- Area
- Hiroshima City Central Area and Hiroshima
Akizuki Castle Ruins
Akizuki Castle dates back to 1203, when the Akizuki clan built Mt. Kosho Castle as their headquarters. The Akizuki clan ruled the area for 385 years over 16 generations, but was defeated by Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598), the supreme ruler of the Warring States period, in 1587 and left the area. At that time, Akizuki Castle […]
Ogi-machi Castle Ruin Observation Area
This observatory was built on the site of the castle of Ujikatsu Yamashita, a vassal of the Uchigashima Tameji clan who ruled this area in the 15th century. The front of the observatory is a precipitous cliff.
Atomic Bomb Dome
The architecture was originally constructed in 1915 as a promotion hall, Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall Hiroshimaken Sangyo Suishokan, but it almost entirely destroyed due to the explosion of the atomic bomb that took place 600 meters above sea level on August 6th 1945. (※The 30 some employees who were working inside the building at […]
江戸時代の古い商家などの面影が残る町並みで、三町と八幡町、大新町は重要伝統的建造物群保存地区に選定されている。 江戸時代の趣を残す美しく重厚な町並み 狭い通りを挟んで、江戸時代後期~明治時代にかけての町家建築が並ぶノスタルジックなエリア。 建物をそのまま利用した土産物店、カフェ、ショップなどがあり、観光客で賑わう高山の観光名所。 町家を利用した良い雰囲気のカフェが多い。 和雑貨などかわいい小物が並ぶ雑貨店も多く、充実している。 三町は、高山市中心部に位置しており、「上一之町・上二之町・上三之町・下一之町・下二之町・下三之町」という6つの町で構成されている。 もっともにぎわうのは、上三之町周辺。 みやげ店やカフェなどが並び、日中は多くの観光客が行き交う。 それに対して、安川通りから北の下一之町、下二之町、下三之町は比較的静かで、のんびり散策するのに最適。
Kobe Brick Warehouse
This warehouse, built with red bricks, was constructed 120 years ago. Now, it is a small, fashionable place with 7 different restaurants and stores. When the sun sets, the warehouse lights up and creates a wondrous atmosphere.
Matsuzaka House is a representative merchant house in the area. One can enjoy viewing traditional old Japanese houses and Japanese-style gardens.
The Imperial Palace
The Tokyo Imperial Palace – residence and palace of the Emperor – holds all sorts of official events; the Imperial Household Agency is located on Imperial Palace grounds too. If you include the outer gardens of the Imperial Palace, a total of 2.3 million sq m of flush greenery sits in the middle of Tokyo, […]
- Area
- Tokyo Station Area and Tokyo
11代にわたり加賀藩の重臣として主に奉行職を務めた名家、野村家の屋敷跡だ。 明治時代に入って、野村家の武家屋敷は門と土塀以外は失われてしまい、現在の建物はある豪商が建てた屋敷の一部が移築されたものとなっている。 ※ちなみに、野村家の禄高は1,200石で、現在価値に直すと約2,400万円。 加賀藩という大組織の中では執行役員か部長くらいのランクだったと思われる。 この武家屋敷跡野村家は、庭園が素晴らしいことで有名。 曲水、樹齢400年以上の古木、名石・奇岩、灯篭などがバランスよく美しく配置されている。 「ミシュラン・グリーンガイド・ジャポン」の格付けで2つ星に、米国の庭園専門誌「ジャーナル・オブ・ガーデニング」の日本庭園ランキングで3位に選ばれているほどだ。 豪華で格式高い建物と情緒あふれる庭園も見事に調和している。 なお、建物内部も中々見応えがある。 山水画をほどこした襖、総檜造りの格天井、ギヤマン入りの障子戸などは、文化財としての価値も高い。 また、資料室には武具(刀剣・甲冑や、古美術品、書状などが展示されている。 なお、2階の茶室「不莫庵」では、美しい庭を見ながら抹茶と干菓子のセットを楽しむことが出来て、素晴らしい。 人気スポットのため、ゆっくりと見たければ午前中の早い時間が空いていてお勧めだ。
- Area
- Nagamachibukeyashikiato and Ishikawa
Yamate Hachibankan
From the triple tower to the stained-glass arch entrance, this building is a culmination of English Tudor Medieval architecture. The works of great sculptors like René Rodin, Antoine Bourdelle, Émile Bernard, Rembrandt are showcased here alongside the works of Eastern artists.
川越一番街は、約400mの風情がある通りで、川越で最も賑わうエリアだ。 江戸時代(1603〜1868年)後期から明治時代(1868〜1912年)にかけて建てられた30棟余りの蔵造りの建物が立ち並んでいる。 ※通りが歩行者専用となっておらず双方向に車が通るのでちょっと落ち着かないのが難点。 かつて東京に多数あった蔵造りの建物は、関東大震災 (1923年)や第二次世界大戦時のアメリカ軍による空襲によって失われてしまったため、川越の蔵造りの町並みはより一層重要な歴史的遺産となっている。
Kokura Castle
Kokura Castle was built by Tadaoki Hosokawa (1563-1646), an influential warlord, over a period of seven years from 1602, and is a symbol of Kitakyushu. Unfortunately, the castle was completely destroyed by fire in 1837 and 1866, but was finally rebuilt in 1959. On the castle grounds are a zone where visitors can learn about […]
Yanagawa moat tour
This is a leisurely boat ride on a donko boat operated by a boatman from the boarding area near Nishitetsu Yanagawa Station to the “Yanagawa Domain Lord Tachibana’s Residence Ohana,” a distance of less than 4 km. The boat ride takes about 1 hour and 10 minutes, and boat riders get to enjoy the scenery […]
Outer Gardens of the Imperial Palace (Kokyo Gaien)
Free to roam at anytime the Japanese black pine trees and beautiful green grass laid out in the open space is a nice scene to take in. Interestingly, during the Edo period, this area was occupied with houses of senior statesmen. Below are the main viewing attractions. Nijubashi 2 bridges connect the outer gardens over […]
- Area
- Tokyo Station Area and Tokyo
Suganuma gassho-zukuri village
Surrounded by steep mountains and the Shogawa River, it is a small village measuring approximately 230 meters from north to south and 240 meters from east to west, with nine gassho-zukuri houses remaining. Of these, two were built at the end of the Edo period (1603-1868), and seven were built after the Meiji period (1868-1912).
Ainokura gassho-zukuri village
The village is located in the mountains on a narrow plateau measuring approximately 500 meters from north to south and 250 meters from east to west, and is lined with 20 gassho-style houses built between 100 and 350 years ago. A 5-minute walk up the road from the side of the parking lot leads to […]
1-10 Otemachi, 1 Nakajimacho Nakaku Hiroshimashi Hiroshima
Ogi-machi, Shirakawa Village, Ono-gun, Gifu
- Area
- Shirakawago, Gifu
1-10 Otemachi, Nakaku Hiroshimashi Hiroshima
1-5-5 Higashi Kawaki-chou, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
329 Takahata, Mitsuhashi-cho, Yanagawa City, Fukuoka
1-1, Chiyoda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
- Area
- Tokyo Station Area, Tokyo
616 Ainokura, Nanto City, Toyama