Seven Stars Tree
On the northern side of Highway 237 stands a single Japanese oak tree in the middle of the rolling hills. The tree suddenly earned fame in 1976 as the world’s 4th largest tobacco manufacturer, JT, used the tree as the package image of their Seven Stars cigarette brand. That’s pretty much all there is to […]
Otaru Canal
The canal – completed in 1923 – spans 1,140 meters in length and a sightseeing highlight. Along the canal, a promenade and stone brick warehouses stand seeming nostalgic. Once dusk settles in, a romantic fairy-tale-like scene emerges as the promenade and brick warehouses come to life from the warm glow of gas lamps. Nowadays, the […]
Mt. Yui Observatory
The observatory is about 2 km up from Kochiyama Observation Deck. The two observatories are close to each other, so it may be a good idea to visit them together, but the view from Yuidake Observatory is not great at all. In fact, the view along the road about 150 m before the observatory is […]
- Area
- Amami Oshima and Kagoshima
Nusamai Bridge
Nusamai Bridge is a large and magnificent 124-meter-long bridge that spans the mouth of the Kushiro River. Its location in the city center makes access to it easy. From the bridge, you can enjoy a picturesque view of the setting sun melting into the sea and the Kushiro River and Kushiro Port turning a beautiful […]
Tsutenkaku is the symbol of Shinsekai, and it is even called the “Eiffel Tower of Naniwa (Osaka)” – likely an over-exaggeration. It was built in 1912 but deconstructed in 1943 after experiencing a fire, and rebuilt in 1956 with a great increase in height from 64 meters to 103 meters. The 5th floor is known […]
Kochiyama Observatory
It is the observatory with the best view in Amami Oshima (probably) and is located at an altitude of 415 meters above sea level. The observatory is a rather cute mushroom-shaped building, but a superb view awaits you on the top floor. The top floor offers a superb view of the Oshima Strait with its […]
- Area
- Amami Oshima and Kagoshima
Senkōji Park
Senkōji Park stretches from the top of 144-meter-high Senkōji Mountain to the mid-slope. From the observatory in the park, visitors can enjoy beautiful views of the city of Onomichi, the Seto Inland Sea, and the islands, with the evening view being particularly spectacular. On a clear day, the mountains of Shikoku can be seen in […]
Mt. Rokko
At an altitude of 773 meters, the peak of Mt. Rokko is also a shopping and dining center. Mt. Rokko has four spots designated for sky watching, but the Tenran Observatory at Rokko Sanjou Station is the best among them. The city lights from this spot shine bright just like a diamond in your hands. […]
Ayamaru Misaki
The cape juts out into the Pacific Ocean. The grounds of the observatory, which is located on a hill, are grassy and nice. Since there is nothing around the observatory, the view from it is spectacular. The contrast of the blue ocean, white sandy beach, jungle green with rutus and sandalwood, and blue sky is […]
- Area
- Amami Oshima and Kagoshima
Flower Land Kamifurano
It’s the largest sightseeing farm in Furano with a site area of 150,000 ㎡; dozens of seasonal flowers bloom in profusion as if they were filling the top of a small hill. In addition to the flower garden, a tractor bus that leisurely takes visitors on a 10 min ride through the garden is very […]
Honohoshi Coast
It is located on a cape at the southern tip of Amami Oshima Island. The round stones make a strange sound every time a wave comes in. There is an old legend that “whoever takes the stones away from the beach will bring bad luck,” so the round stones are prohibited from being taken out […]
- Area
- Amami Oshima and Kagoshima
県道86号線から国道331号線へ下っていく途中にある、全長約660mの絶景スポット。 高低差約80mの断崖の上下を、連続する2つの橋が、大きくカーブを描きながら結んでおり、通るとまるで空中をドライブしているかのような感覚になる。 ちなみに上(山側)がニライ橋で、下(海側)がカナイ橋 ※ニライカナイとは、現地の言葉で「海の向こうにある理想郷」という意味だ。 ニライ橋・カナイ橋をドライブする場合は、海を見下ろす絶景を眺めることが出来る、山側から海側へと下るルートを採るべきだ。 ※海側から山側へと上るルートはあまり眺めが良くない。 なお、ニライ橋・カナイ橋のドライブには、橋の上は駐車禁止で、かつ急なカーブが多い道であるため、運転者はじっくり絶景を見ることが出来ないという“致命的な”欠点がある。 車を運転する君は、トンネル(ニライ橋・カナイ橋の頂上付近)にある展望所に行け。 この展望所は、海からは多少遠いが、標高が150mもあるので、ニライ橋・カナイ橋の全景や太平洋を見渡すなどの素晴らしいパノラマビューを楽しむことが出来る。
Mt. Maya
Towering at a height of 700 meters, Kikuseidai, the observatory at the top of Mt. Maya offers one of the most magnificent night views in Japan. It is a mountain closer to the middle of Kobe, so you’ll be able to overlook the streets of Kobe and Osaka’s ocean horizons. When you get off at […]
1397 Ushiroji, Tomocho Fukuyamashi Hiroshima
2 Tomo, Tomocho Fukuyamashi Hiroshima
1-18-6 Ebisuhigashi, Naniwaku Osakashi, Osaka Prefecture
1506-15, Setoda-machi Tarumi, Onomichi-shi, Hiroshima
19-1 Nishitsuchido-cho, Onomichi, Hiroshima
Sokari, Setouchi-cho, Oshima-gun, Kagoshima
- Area
- Amami Oshima, Kagoshima
- Activities
- 景色