落雁諸江屋 西茶屋菓寮 味和以
落雁という日本の伝統的な菓子で有名な老舗の和菓子店。 店の奥はイートインのスペースがあり、夏は抹茶のかき氷、冬は自分で餅を焼くお汁粉などを楽しむことが出来る。
- Area
- Nishichayagai and Ishikawa
Bihoro Pass
Bihoro Pass is a 525m high mountain pass located on the outer rim of the Kussharo Caldera. The view from here is an unbelievably brilliant panorama, and is one of the most spectacular views in Hokkaido. Not only do you have a panoramic view of the 57km-long Lake Kussharo, but you can also see Mt. […]
- Area
- Hokkaido and Lake Akan / Mashu / Kussharo
Tea Lounge Legato (at the Summit station of the ropeway)
At the summit station of the ropeway there is a restaurant called “Genova” on the 2nd floor and a lounge (Legato) on the 3rd floor. You can have dinner while taking in the evening view, or drink some tea and relax. If you make a dinner reservation at Restaurant Genova, with 2 or more people, […]
Statue of Liberty
Copying the shape and size of the statue of liberty in Paris, France, the replica in Odaiba is made out of bronze. It sits facing the waterfront at Aqua City Odaiba. The 11 meter tall, 9 ton statue is about one third the size of the Statue of Liberty in New York. For whatever reason […]
Matsuzaka House is a representative merchant house in the area. One can enjoy viewing traditional old Japanese houses and Japanese-style gardens.
Izumi Tenku no Yu at Ariake Garden
Visitors can enjoy a variety of baths using genuine hot spring water pumped up from approximately 1,500 m underground, saunas, and bedrock baths.
下級武士である足軽の生活ぶりを伝える文化施設だ。 1997年、金沢市内にあった清水家と高西家の足軽屋敷合計2棟を現在の場所に移築して開設された。 入り口から見て、手前の右側にあるのが清水家で、奥の左側にあるのが高西家。 ※何と! 高西家の屋敷は1994年まで、清水家の屋敷は1990年まで、住居として何百年もの間使用されていた! 木造平屋建てで、板葺き屋根に石を乗せた典型的な足軽の家の内部には、足軽の職務についてや日常生活についての展示品や解説文章がある。 こちらも入場料金は無料、金沢市は太っ腹だ!
- Area
- Nagamachibukeyashikiato and Ishikawa
Kanno Farm
The flower fields spread on a hill along Hanabito Kaido Road (Route 237), 2 km west of JR Bibaushi Station. More than 30 kinds of flowers, mainly lavender, are in full bloom from mid-June to mid-October Vivid flowers cover the entire hillside, and from the roadside you can look up to see the flower garden. […]
There are three floors, each with a different genre of music. The interior design is like a movie set. The club is a theme park type club where you can walk around in a figure 8 pattern, and there are many female customers and foreigners. Genres : EDM, top40, techno, hip hop Crowd : 20-30 year olds […]
- Activities
- クラブ・ダンスホール and 観光
菓子屋横丁」は、全長約80mの風情ある石畳の路地で、レトロな感じの菓子屋や和風スイーツ店が約20軒並び、菓子の甘い香りとノスタルジックな雰囲気が漂っている。 煎餅・カルメ焼・飴玉などの昔ながらの駄菓子や、さつまいものソフトクリームや饅頭などのスイーツを買って食べ歩くことが出来る。 菓子屋横丁の真ん中あたりにある「松陸製菓」では、約1mと驚くほど長い麸菓子を売っている。 SNS映えするし、価格も600円と高くなく、味も甘くて美味しいというのは良いのだが、持ち歩くのが面倒なので、写真を撮ったら友人と分けてすぐ食べた方が良い。
The fashion building portion of this shopping complex has Marui – a Japanese large scale department store – as the key tenant.
- Area
- Ginza / Yurakucho and Tokyo
Hakodate St. John’s Church
An Anglican Church built in 1874. The church had burned down several times due to fire; the current church you see now was built in 1979. What’s interesting is from wherever you look you see a cross.
Masuen Bunsuke
A local restaurant in a gassho-style building. River fish such as char and rainbow trout are raised in a fish-pond on the premises using high-quality spring water. The fresh fish are taken out of the pond after an order is placed, and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways: sashimi, grilled with salt, and […]
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
Club Camelot
Characteristics: The club is one of the most well-known and popular clubs in Tokyo. Due to its location in Shibuya, the clientele is mainly students, and is very young. On weekends, all three floors (Main, Hip hop, House) are open. Genres : All mix・House ・ R&B ・ EDM ・ HipHop
- Activities
- 観光 and クラブ・ダンスホール
Precious Hall
A club for people who really want to enjoy dancing and music. The sound system is excellent and is highly regarded by famous DJs. Genre : House, hip hop, etc. Crowd : Most of the customers are in their 30s or older, and the atmosphere is that of an adult’s playground. Note : Please contact […]
- Activities
- 観光 and クラブ・ダンスホール
Wood Egg Okonomiyaki-kan
Wood Egg Okonomiyaki-kan is a facility with okonomiyaki as a theme, run by Otafuku Sauce Company, the No.1 okonomiyaki sauce producer. You can enjoy viewing the sauce factory and exhibiting the museum, as well as cooking okonomiyaki yourself. Reservation required
- Area
- Hiroshima City Central Area and Hiroshima
- Activities
- グルメ, 体験, 観光, 観光施設, and お好み焼き/たこ焼き
Noboribetsu Grand Hotel
Noboribetsu Grand Hotel is an elegant hotel with a European atmosphere and is also called “Noboribetsu’s Guesthouse. It offers three types of baths: open-air baths, indoor baths, and private baths. Enjoy three types of hot spring water quality (sulfur spring, iron spring, and common salt spring). The open-air rock and cypress baths present you with […]
Seven Stars Tree
On the northern side of Highway 237 stands a single Japanese oak tree in the middle of the rolling hills. The tree suddenly earned fame in 1976 as the world’s 4th largest tobacco manufacturer, JT, used the tree as the package image of their Seven Stars cigarette brand. That’s pretty much all there is to […]
スタバが対外発表した「2020年に訪れるべき世界中のスタバ20選(20 Starbucks stores to visit in 2020)」に、日本で唯一選ばれたのが、この「川越鐘つき通り店」だ。 全体的に和の要素が取り入れられており、木の温もりも感じさせ、雰囲気が素晴らしい店だ。 外観は蔵造りの町並みに溶け込むようにデザインされており、店内は和モダンな趣き。 天井が高く、大きなガラス窓から自然光が降りそそぐ店内は開放感があり、襖絵など日本の伝統を感じさせるアート作品も飾られている。 店内の奥には緑豊かな日本庭園があり、それを眺めながら過ごすことができるテラス席もある。
It is an affiliate of CLUB Cat’s, whose concept is to offer a nightlife like that of Ibiza, Spain. It has a floor area of 230 square meters, two floors, and nine VIP rooms. Genre: All mix, EDM, House, etc. Clientele: 20’s to early 30’s No one under 20 years old is allowed to enter.
This café is housed in a gassho-style building. The warm hospitality of the owner and his wife, coffee brewed with natural water, and free refills of zenzai (sweet bean soup) are well received. The set menu that includes curry with zenzai and a drink is highly recommended. Incidentally, this café was featured in the 566th […]
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
City Dining Kuuten
This restaurant zone is located on the 9th and 10th floors of Amu Plaza. It is one of the largest in Japan for a commercial facility, and contains 47 restaurants, most of which are famous restaurants in Kyushu and Fukuoka. They type of restaurants widely vary, from high-end restaurants to cheap street food restaurants.
- Area
- Hakata-Station and Fukuoka
Abashiri Prison Museum
The open-air history museum opened in 1983. Used as a prison for felons since 1880, the historical buildings of the Abashiri Prison were sequentially moved to the current location or newly reconstructed. Visitors can learn about prison life and the harsh labor of prisoners at that time, as well as the history of Hokkaido’s pioneering […]
Furu-ume National Forest, Bihoro-cho, Abashiri-gun, Hokkaido
Mount Hakodate, Hakodate-shi, Hokkaido
- Activities
- 喫茶店/カフェ
1915 Ogi-machi, Shirakawa Village, Ono-gun, Gifu
- Area
- Shirakawago, Gifu
- Activities
- 日本料理
Parade Bldg., 3-13-2 Minami 2-jo Nishi, Chuo-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
- Activities
- クラブ・ダンスホール
10−11 Nanbasennichimae Chuo-ku , Osaka
5-19-1, Kita8johigashi, Higashi-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
- Activities
- 海鮮
Floor Amu Plaza in JR Hakata City 9th and10th, 1-1 Hakata Station Chuogai, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka
- Area
- Hakata-Station, Fukuoka
- Activities
- レストラン街