This beach is called the most beautiful beach on Amami Oshima.

Located at the tip of a cape jutting out into Kasari Bay, the beach is quiet with few tourists, making it seem like a private beach.

Pass through the rows of sandalwood trees along the shore, and you will be struck by the beautiful contrast between the pure white sands and the emerald green sea.

The sea is extremely clear and the sand is powdery.

It is also a great place to watch the sunset.

In addition, although it is nice that free showers and toilets are provided, there is only one store around.

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Spot Details

Name Sakibaru Beach
Address 3622 Kase, Kasari-cho, Amami-shi, Kagoshima
Access 15 min. by car from Amami Airport
TEL 0997-63-0828
Open 24 Hours
Closed Open 365 days per year
Price Free
Parking Available/Non Charge (10cars)

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