

About Sannomiya and Motomachi

Sannomiya, the busiest district in all of Hyogo, is conveniently located right in the center of Kobe.

Everything is available here from shops to restaurants and hotels.

Furthermore, it’s easily accessible with public transportation.

Thinking of a night in Kobe? Sannomiya makes for one of the best spots to stay.

Motomachi, located downtown, gives off the most “Kobe ambiance”.

Some of the stores there were built decades ago.

For those with a sweet tooth, you’ll be happy to hear that many sweet shops renowned in Japan have stationed their main store in this location.

This area is also the Kyu-kyoryuchi, or “former foreign settlement”.

It is well-known for its Western-style buildings from the late 1800’s.

This area is especially popular with Japanese tourists, but if you are from the West, the architecture may not be anything out of the modern ordinary.


If you’re interested in shopping, you can find everything you would want in large department stores like Sogo and Daimaru.

On the possible chance you’re into fancy knick-knacks, take a look in the stores around Sakaemachi, Kaigan Doori, or Tor West.

Of course, after all that shopping you’ll be starving.

Honestly, you can order anything and it’s going to taste great, but since you’re in the area, you’ll probably want to dig into some Kobe beef.

For more on Kobe beef, check out the Kobe Beef page.

Kobe is also famous for its sweets, bread, and even Chinese food.

For more information on restaurants and stores for the above, check out the Kobe “Eat” pages.

Lastly, if you just want to take a stroll in the city, exploring Kyu-kyoryuchi then taking a break at a nearby café should fulfill your heart’s desires.

Access to Sannomiya and Motomachi / Data


6 train lines run through this large terminal.

The “Sannomiya Hana Dokei Mae” Station (Kobe City Kaigan Subway Line) is located about 200~350 meters away from the other 5 stations.

  1. JR
    Tokaido Line
  2. Private Railways
    Hankyu Dentetsu Kobe Line
  3. Kobe Municipal Subway
    Seishin-Yamate Line
    Kaigan Line
  4. Elevated Railways
    Kobe New Transit Port Island Line


  1. JR
    Kobe Line
  2. Private Railways
    Hanshin Dentetsu Main Line




「食」「美」系が充実しているデパート。 特に本館地階洋菓子売場には神戸発祥のスイーツショップが集まっている。 旧「そごう神戸店」。

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This area, along with the Kobe port, was opened in 1868 to foreigners.

It still holds the landscape of that historic era and is home to some buildings that were built 100 to 140 years ago.

The atmosphere may make you feel as if you were part of the colonial times walking on the wide pathways, but this place is far from being “old”.

Buildings have been modernized to hold high-fashion stores, hotels, restaurants, and cafes; some are even used as offices.

If you want, take a peek inside them!


1880年に竣工されたこのエリア最古の建築物で、元々は米国領事館だった。 内部にはおしゃれなカフェもある。

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神戸で一番大きく、かつ高級感があるデパート。 「クラシック&モダン」をデザインテーマにした優美な外観で、このエリアのシンボル的存在となっている。

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1929年竣工のビルで、アメリカン・ルネッサンス様式の重厚なデザインが特徴的だ。 元々はシティバンク(アメリカ)の神戸支店だった。 現在は隣接する「大丸神戸店」の別館として営業をしており、ハイブランドのショップやカフェが入っている。

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1918年竣工のビルで、1995年の阪神大震災で一度全壊したが、1998年に再建された。 その際、5Fから上は現代的なオフィスビルとして建設され、4Fまでのレトロビルと融合している姿が面白い。  

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1938年竣工のビルで、元々はチャータード銀行(イギリス)の支店だった。 大理石をふんだんに使った吹き抜けフロアなど豪奢な装飾が特徴的だ。 現在はカフェなどが入っている。

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