

About Toyosu

The largest wholesale fish market in the world, once called Tsukiji home, moved to Toyosu in October 2018.

The total area of the new market is 400,000 square meters.

At the Toyosu market the auctioning of tuna and other seafood can be witnessed in the gigantic market for free, just as it was at Tsukiji.

However, unlike Tsukiji, the viewing zone and market zone are completely separated leaving you with a lack of presence, unable to feel the chaos and liveliness of the moment.

The joy from experiencing the hectic moment is significantly gone, but you really can’t complain when it’s free.

There are 3 good points in splitting the viewing and market zones.

  1. Waiting Time Shortened
    In order to see the Tuna auction at Tsukiji, one had to go hours before to secure a spot, and especially on more crowded days arriving at 5 am wasn’t early enough.
    Now that you can reserve beforehand at Toyosu market there is no need to wait in line.
  2. Reduced Costs
    When tuna auctions were still held at Tsukiji, you had to wake up around 2 or 3 am and spend a few thousand yen on a taxi; now, it’s possible to go to Toyosu when trains are running, a much more affordable choice.
  3. Improved Safety
    Trucks and trolleys were everywhere running into tourists wandering about at Tsukiji, but that isn’t the case at Toyosu.

Brief History

Not much history lies behind Toyosu.

It began as a shoal in Tokyo Bay; filled in and made into land with debris from the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake.

Until the late 1980s it was mostly a factory area, and due to its close proximity to city center land prices began increasing bringing forth rapid development of large apartment complexes, multi-complex structures, and office buildings.

Also, in Toyosu you can find a massive multi-complex shopping mall called Urban Dock LaLaport Toyosu.

Nearby Toyosu are Tsukiji, Tsukishima, Ginza, and Odaiba; visit these areas together to save time.


Have a good time observing the market and eating good food.

The market is closed on Sundays, holidays, and often on Wednesdays.

Check their website to be sure or just avoid the mentioned days altogether.

Access to Toyosu

Toyosu Station

  • Tokyo Metro Yurakucho Line
  • Rinkai Line/Yurikamome


Toyosu Market

Tuna Auction

The most popular attraction for tourists such as yourself is the tuna auction that occurs from 5:45-6:15.

From an observing deck slightly high up you can peer through glass walls to see hundreds of tuna lined up for the auction, it’s quite a spectacle.

What’s even more surprising is that it’s all free!

Now, you should be crying for joy but keep in mind that you will have to register beforehand to access the deck.

If there are too many registrations a lottery will be held; lose, you can still see the auction from the Visitor’s Walkway on the 2nd floor (albeit it’s pretty far from the auction).

There are 2 ways to register by website and phone, however, the latter is not at all recommended. You’ll incur fees and you have to call to confirm whether you were selected or not. If you registered via website you will receive an email if you were selected.

  • Up to 5 people can be registered in a group.
  • 120 people can be admitted each day, split into 2 groups each group can see the auction for 10 minutes.
  • Flash photography is prohibited at the tuna auction.


Here you can get a glimpse of the market’s history, the fish caught year round, a large tuna model and a small trolley.

Take a few photos to remember your trip, post it on social media, you’re sure to get a few ‘likes’.

Toyosu Market

[ See details ]


The 39 popular and famous restaurants that moved from Tsukiji are not all in one place. In fact, they are in 3 separate buildings divided by 1. intermediate wholesaler/broker, 2. management, and 3. vegetables and fruits.

The building with the most eateries can be found in block 6  on the 3rd floor of the Intermediate wholesaler/broker building. 22 shops are gathered there.

Many of the extremely popular shops in Tsukiji have set up shop here, even the 3-5 hour wait shop, Sushi Dai.

Additionally, on the 3rd floor of the management building  on block 7, are 13 restaurants, and 4 restaurants on the 1st floor of the fruits and vegetables building.

Now, understand most restaurants open early (5:00-6:30) but also close early (around 15:00).

The sushi shops at the market are extremely popular, waiting for hours is necessary; unless you’re absolutely committed or stubborn about visiting Toyosu market go elsewhere. Other areas in Tokyo offer a plethora of wonderful sushi restaurants and you’ll save time.


Uogashi Yokocho

On the 4th floor of the intermediate wholesaler, broker building , are roughly 70 specialty shops selling goods for restaurant chefs and  professionals. Most of what you’ll find are food products, kitchen tools and kitchenware, but a part of the area sells gifts too. The public, not just professionals, can buy things here which you […]

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Urban Dock LaLaport Toyosu

Formerly a shipbuilding dock, the multicomplex shopping area is a motif of 4 ships. Because it faces Tokyo Bay, presenting a beautiful view, visitors get a sense of openness or spaciousness. Over 180 shops are located inside including restaurants and cinema.

[ See details ]


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