Found above the entrance to crab restaurant Kani Doraku Dotonbori is a large model crab, the arms and eyes move and the body is large, giving a striking impression.

It is rumored that if made into crab stew there would be enough to feed 16,000 people.

Originally made in 1962, the sign has been remade twice.


height 4m, width 8m

Photo tips

The crab looks even bigger if you angle the photo from underneath.

In general, the lower your angle when you take the photo, the more dynamic the crab appears.

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Spot Details

Name Kani Doraku Crab
Address 1-6-18 Dotonbori Chuo-ku ,Osaka
Access 5 minutes on foot from Osaka Metro Namba Station.
Open 24 Hours
Closed Open 365 days per year

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