The monument was constructed by Kenzo Tange, a worldly famous architect, in hopes to reconstruct Hiroshima City, destroyed by the world’s first atomic bomb, into a City of Peace, Heiwa Toshi.

The memorial cenotaph also reposes the souls of the dead from the atomic bomb, and in the stone chamber in the center is a list of names of the 300,000 victims who were affected and have passed away.

The roof of the cenotaph is constructed in a burial mound figurine with the aim to “protect the souls of the atomic bomb victims from the rain”.

There is a “Lake of Peace” Heiwa no Ike constructed in the inner area of the cenotaph for the victims who passed away while craving for water right after they were affected by the atomic bomb.

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Spot Details

Name Memorial Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb Victims
Address 1 Nakajimacho, Nakaku Hiroshimashi, Hiroshima
Access Take the Hiroshima Electric Railway from Hiroshima Station for Eba or Miyajima Guchi. Get off at Genbaku Domu Mae Station, and walk for 5 min.Approx. travel time: 25 minutes.
TEL 082-242-7831
Open 24 Hours
Closed Open 365 days per year
Price Free

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