

About Otaru

150 years ago, Otaru was a booming trading port city, which then lured all kinds of industries as it grew to become, at one point, the economic driving force for Hokkaido.

Though now it is in decline.

In the city, a feeling of Western Europe hangs in the air as canals and beautiful Western European buildings made 100 years ago stand proudly.

Nowadays, the interior of these buildings house shops, restaurants, cafes, and the like.

With Over 100 sushi restaurants in the city, Otaru is famous for its wonderful food and beloved by Japanese tourists.

Every year over 7 million tourists visit the city.

It’s not a big city, so even if you do everything at a quick pace and eat sushi, you can do it all in 3 hours, or take your time and see everything in half a day.

A short 30 min train ride from Sapporo City makes for an easy and convenient trip.

If you love alcohol, the holy place of whisky, Yoichi , is nearby and a must visit.


Enjoy yourselves with great food (sushi, seafood, sweets, Japanese-style Western food, etc.), walking around town, and shopping (for gifts).

Be aware that many of Otaru City’s historical sites and restaurants close on Wednesdays.

Eating sushi at Sushi Street and having sweets and tea along Sakaimachi Street is the orthodox routine.

Otaru Canal and “Wall Street of northern Japan” are the central areas for walking around and taking in Western European style historical buildings.

You can conduct your gift shopping along Otaru Canal and Sakaimachi Street. Sweets, glass items, music boxes, and seafood products are examples of what you can find.

Access to Otaru

From Sapporo


From Sapporo Station ride the JR Hakodate Main Line and alight at Otaru Station. Approx. travel time: 30〜40 min.

There are 4〜5 trains every hour.

Otaru City

Sightseeing and shopping spots are all clumped together so walking around town is best.

From Otaru Station, a circulation bus (Otaru Sansaku Bus) goes around town leaving every 30 min. but  stops a lot, taking more time than you have.



The ocean facing town of Otaru produces some fantastic sushi.

The street commonly known as “Sushi Street” is home to 20 sushi restaurant lying between Sunmall Streetand Hanazono Ginza Shotengai (shopping street).

The popular sushi shops are always packed.

If you hate waiting, reserve in advance.

Otaru Sushi Street

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There are many Western-style confectionery shops in renovated, old stone buildings along Sakaimachi Street .

And many of them accommodate a tea room.

Sipping tea or coffee while pleasantly tasting sweets in the atmosphere you are in will bring you bliss.

LeTAO Head Store

The flagship store of an extremely popular Japanese Western-style sweets. The first floor is the shop and a cafe sits on the 2nd floor. The Double Fromage Cheesecake is a must order masterpiece.

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Rokatei Otaru Canal Shop

A confectionary store famous for their “Marusei Butter Sand”. The first floor is a shop while the 2nd floor is a self service cafe. Buy just 1 sweets and you get 1 free cup of coffee. Sweets are sold for as low as ¥90! It’s a bargain deal!

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Historic Western European style Buildings

The historical buildings influenced by Western Europe won’t blow you away, particularly if you are a Westerner,  therefore, we won’t be bothered if you skip it.

Just keep in mind that  they are splendid structures, built with huge sums of money when Otaru was in more prosperous times.

There are parts worth seeing like the design no less, designed by the best architects in Japan – who have influenced the now globally recognized Japanese modern architects – during that period.

Otaru Canal

The canal – completed in 1923 – spans 1,140 meters in length and a sightseeing highlight. Along the canal, a promenade and stone brick warehouses stand seeming nostalgic. Once dusk settles in, a romantic fairy-tale-like scene emerges as the promenade and brick warehouses come to life from the warm glow of gas lamps. Nowadays, the […]

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Nowadays, the warehouses are filled with shops and restaurants.

You can opt for a 40 min. cruise on the canal that costs ¥1,500 during the day, ¥1,800 at night.

“The Wall Street of Northern Japan”

Over 100 years ago, many banks, trading, and shipping companies, and several other businesses had their headquarters here.

Those beautiful buildings built then still remain for all to see.

Calling it the “Wall Street of Northern Japan” is a bit of an exaggeration; if the major Wall Street players (i.e. JP Morgan or Goldman Sachs) found out, they would surely be up in arms complaining.

The buildings that stand out most are the Former Bank of Japan Otaru Branch.

Now it stands as a Museum of Finance.

The Bank of Japan Otaru Museum

Former Bank of Japan Otaru Branch Museum of Finance Famous for designing Tokyo Station, Kingo Tatsuno was the man behind the plans for this building. Inside are contents relating to the history of “Wall Street of Northern Japan” and an exhibit of the work content when it was a branch of the Bank of Japan.

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Nikka Whisky Yoichi Distillery

Having won several international competitions, the Yoichi Distillery is the origin of the now famous Nikka Whisky brand. Participate in a FREE tour of the distillery process, with 2 kinds of whisky tasting! If you prefer to go along with a guide, you have to make online reservations 3–5 days in advance.

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Gifts worth buying in Otaru are glass products, music boxes, and sweets.

The warehouses on Sakaimachi Street and Otaru Canal have plenty of shops to browse through.

As for glass manufacturing, Otaru has a history dating back over 100 years, while music boxes have become extremely popular and the item to buy in the last 30 years.

Glass items and music boxes are a little expensive but don’t take up as much space as you think.

They are definitely great gift choices.

Kitaichi Glass Sangokan

Kitaichi Glass’ largest shop of more than 10 in Otaru City. Each floor of the dignified stone building – constructed in 1891 – presents a different theme of outstanding glass works. On the first floor is a lamp that looks like something from a fantasy, lighting up the cafe where you can be entertained with […]

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Otaru Music Box Museum

The largest music box shop in all of Japan. Inside the brick building built in 1912 is a 9 meter atrium and an attic filled with the warm presence of wood.Around 3,400 various kinds of music boxes are on display and sold. It’s grand sight,Within walking distance from the flagship is a workshop where you […]

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Recommended Plan

  • 11:00 – Arrive at Otaru Station, walk to to Sushiya Dōri and have lunch.
    Approx time spent: 1 hour 30 min.
  • 12:30 – Walk to “Wall Street of Northern Japan”, stop and pause from time to time to appreciate the historical buildings, then head to Otaru Canal.
    Approx. time spent: 30 min.
    Transportation: Walk
  • 13:00 – Go for a stroll along Otaru Canal and peek inside the throng of warehouse shops.
    Approx. time spent: 30 min.
    Transportation: Walk
  • 13:30 – Move to Sakaimachi Street, look for gifts to buy at the shops.
    Approx. time spent: 1 hour
    Transportation: Walk
  • 14:30 – Relax at a Western-style cafe with sweets and tea or coffee.
    Approx. time spent: 1 hour
  • 15:30 – Check out Orgel Doh (music box store) at the end of Sakaimachi Street, wander inside and do some shopping.
    Approx. time spent: 30 min.
    Transportation: Walk
  • 16:00 – Head to Minami Otaru Station to catch the JR Hakodate Main Line to return to Sapporo.
    Transportation: Walk + train

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