Nakatsugu Shrine of Munakata Taisha
Nakatsugu enshrines Tagitsuhime no Kami, the second of the three Munakata goddesses. It is located on a hill on a straight line between Hetsugu on the mainland and Okitsugu on Okinoshima Island. A small river called the Ama-no-kawa flows through the precincts of the shrine, and the Vega shrine and the Altair shrine are located […]
- Area
- Munakata Taisha and Fukuoka
Kintaikyo is a beautiful arched wooden bridge that spans across Nishiki-gawa. It has a length of 193 m and a width of 5 m, and it is constructed through a traditional Japanese technique of wood joinery, called the Kumiki. The middle three sequences create the arch of the bridge that has five sequences, which is […]
Yamate Hachibankan
From the triple tower to the stained-glass arch entrance, this building is a culmination of English Tudor Medieval architecture. The works of great sculptors like René Rodin, Antoine Bourdelle, Émile Bernard, Rembrandt are showcased here alongside the works of Eastern artists.
Rikugien Garden
Rikugien is one of the most famous Japanese gardens in Tokyo and is designated as a Special Place of Scenic Beauty by the government. See below for details. Rikugien is one of the most famous Japanese gardens in Tokyo.
Hakodate Asaichi (Morning Market)
As the largest seafood market in Hokkaido, vegetables, fruits, sweets and dried seafood are also sold in the 250 store market. In other words, it’s the “wonderland of food” that has every imaginable Hokkaido food. Its liveliness is contagious and fun to walk around. Sure you can try a bite from various stores selling squid […]
Seating approximately a thousand people, the Umeda Food Hall is a large-scale food court in the heart of Osaka, with 18 popular shops including sushi, kushi-katsu, noodles, cafés and sweets. Unlike your typical food court, there are five different areas each with their own atmosphere so that you can relax and appreciate the high-quality food.
- Area
- Osaka North and 大阪府
Mt. Rokko
At an altitude of 773 meters, the peak of Mt. Rokko is also a shopping and dining center. Mt. Rokko has four spots designated for sky watching, but the Tenran Observatory at Rokko Sanjou Station is the best among them. The city lights from this spot shine bright just like a diamond in your hands. […]
Hello Kitty Happy Flight
This mini theme park is about catching a flight with the cabin attendant Hello Kitty and together flying all over the world on the Kitty Jet, visiting the Sanrio characters in different countries along the way. There is a shop and cafe too.
- Area
- Hokkaido and New Chitose Airport
1590年に、日本有数の格式と古い歴史を持つ熊野本宮大社から分祀された由緒ある神社で、「蔵造りの町並み」の入り口付近にある。 建物や敷地はかなり小さく、郊外型のコンビニくらいの大きさなので、あっという間にお参りが出来て便利だ。 夫婦である伊弉諾尊と伊弉冊命が主祭神として祀られていることから、縁結びや恋愛に霊験あらたかだと日本人の間で強く信じられている。 本殿のすぐ手前にある宝池で、洗って清めたお金を財布に入れて大切にすると、金持ちになれると言われている。 何でも信じるほど純粋な割に、欲の皮が突っ張っている君は並んでお金を洗うと良いだろう。 なお、参道には、小石がぎっしりと詰められた「足踏み健康ロード」があり、靴を脱いでその上を歩くと足つぼマッサージができる。(※タダだが、君が不健康だとものすごく痛い)
Irori is a local restaurant housed in a gassho-zukuri building with a nostalgic Japanese atmosphere, including a fireplace inside the restaurant. The “Yakitofu Set Meal,” which features Shirakawa-go’s specialty “Gassho Tofu” grilled on an iron plate and served with homemade sauce, is most recommended. The restaurant also offers a wide variety of dishes using locally […]
- Area
- Shirakawago and Gifu
Former British Consulate of Hakodate
Established as the British Consulate of Hakodate from 1859 to 1934. Today, the rooms of the consulate serve as exhibits re-creating what it was like during operation, as well as the history of Hakodate Port. A charming tea room can be found in the former consulate too.
Located near the east entrance, this stylish café-restaurant with white as its base color. In the open, glass-enclosed space, you can enjoy a menu that incorporates Kaga vegetables and other local ingredients, as well as sweets. The “Fusion Lunch,” which includes a main dish and an appetizer buffet for 1,500 yen, is especially recommended.
- Area
- 21st Century Museum and Ishikawa
金沢まいもん寿司 金沢駅店
「金沢百番街・あんと」の中にある人気の寿司店。 ノドグロや白エビなど新鮮な地物ネタを使った本格的な寿司を味わうことが出来る。
Lake Toya Pleasure Boat
A 50 min cruise on large boats such as the “Espoir” — designed to look like an old castle from the Middle Ages. The natural scenery of the lake and mountains seen from the ship is wonderful and healing. The boat cruises around the four islands, and visitors can disembark and go for a walk […]
伊丹空港は、関西空港が出来るまでは国際空港だったが、今では国内線専用の空港となっている。 未だに日本国内の主だった都市34との間に航空路線がある。 利用できる航空会社、就航都市、時刻表については以下を参照してくれ。 伊丹空港・フライトスケジュール 運行頻度に関して言うと、東京(羽田・成田)へは1日約25便、福岡へは約10便、沖縄(那覇)へは約8便と多くの都市へ割合高い頻度で飛んでいる。 ただ、伊丹空港へはLCCが飛んでいないので航空チケットも高いのが難点だ。 伊丹空港は、大阪駅から北に大体10kmほどのところに位置しており、大阪市内中心部や京都などに行くには関西空港よりも伊丹空港の方が近い。
Osaka Castle Gozabune Boat
Take a 20-minute spin along the inner moat of Osaka Castle on this tourist boat, and you’ll be able to see Japan’s highest stone wall from a close proximity. Long ago, only those of a high status were able to ride this special boat layered with gold foil.
- Area
- Osaka Castle and 大阪府
Ginza Maison Henri Charpentier
Run by a famous and long-established sweets shop. Patrons get to enjoy artistic table desserts in a sophisticated setting. Their most popular menu is the Crepe Suzette, a crepe that melts in your mouth like silk the moment you bite into it. The finishing touch of the flame performance before you is a nice touch.
- Area
- Ginza / Yurakucho and Tokyo
Ginza Mitsukoshi
Standing Tall at Ginza 4-chome crossing, it is one of the pillars of department stores in Japan, carrying the best quality of products from fashion wear to food items. The basement floor food gallery in particular is excellent. Famous among the Japanese, and popular as a meeting spot, are the lion statues at the front […]
- Area
- Ginza / Yurakucho and Tokyo
お茶屋は「一見さんお断り」なので芸妓さんたちと触れ合うのは至難の技だが、以下の「お座敷体験イベント」では、ネット経由で予約するだけでリーズナブルな価格でお茶屋遊びを体験できる。 具体的には、お茶屋で抹茶や和菓子をいただきながら、芸妓さん達の踊りなどを鑑賞することとなる。
Yumoto Saigriyu
This is the only public bathhouse in Noboribetsu Onsen. Because you can bathe in hot spring water quality for a very low fee it is very popular. Although there is only an indoor bath, visitors can enjoy two types of spring water: alum spring (myobansen) and sulfur spring (iōsen). The facility is still new, having […]
- Area
- Noboribetsu and Hokkaido
Osaka Takashimaya
With a turnover: 141 billion yen and a surface area of 64,000m2 (13th largest in Japan), Takashimaya is the a large-scale landmark store in the Minami area. It is the main store of the Takashimaya department store chain. Directly connected to Nanba Station on the Midosuji line, it is conveniently located and easily accessed by […]
1811 Oshima, Munakata City, Fukuoka
- Area
- Munakata Taisha, Fukuoka
- Activities
- 神社仏閣
Yokoyama, Iwakuni Iwakuni-shi, Yamaguchi
9-19 Wakamatsucho, Hakodate-shi, Hokkdaido
Hankyu Sanbangai Kita-kan B2F, 1-1-3 Shibata Kita-ku, Osaka
- Area
- Osaka North, 大阪府
- Activities
- フードコート
Domestic Terminal 4th Floor, New Chitose Airport, Bibi, Chitose, Hokkaido
- Area
- Hokkaido, New Chitose Airport
- Activities
- 博物館
4-119-48 Nagayama 11 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido
2-8-20 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo [building: Yonei 1st floor, basement floor]
- Area
- Ginza / Yurakucho, Tokyo
60-60-5 Noboribetsuonsencho, Noboribeetsu, Hokkaido
- Area
- Noboribetsu, Hokkaido
- Activities
- 温泉
1-2-1, Hirosaka, Kanazawa, Ishikawa
- Area
- 21st Century Museum, Ishikawa
- Activities
- 博物館