In a corner of the Lake Akan hot spring resort, there is the Ainu Village, the largest Ainu village in Japan, where about 30 houses and 120 people live.

The Ainu Theater Ikoro (where Ainu dances are performed), two museums introducing the culture, souvenir stores selling wood carving goods, and restaurants that serve Ainu local cuisine are lined up, allowing visitors to experience Ainu traditional culture.

At the Iomante Fire Festival – a ceremony to send the spirit of the bear back to heaven – flames are lit up at the site, creating a solemn, dignified and fantastic atmosphere.

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Spot Details

Name Lake Akan Ainu Kotan
Address 4-7-19, Akanko Onsen, Akan-cho, Kushiro City, Hokkaido
Access By Bus:Take the Akan Bus from Kushiro Station Bus Terminal , get off at Akanko Bus Center , and walk 5 minutes. 
Approx. travel time: 2 hours 10 min
By Car:60 min from Kushiro Airport
100 minutes from Memanbetsu Airport
TEL 0154-67-2727
Open 09:00 - 21:30 (※ Dance performances are held five to six times a day from May–Oct / 3 times a day from Nov -Apr)
Closed Not fixed
Price Ainu Ancient Ceremonial Dance:Adult: (jr. high students and older): ¥1,200 / Elementary school students: ¥600
Iomante Fire Festival:Adult: ¥1,200 / Elementary school students: ¥600
Lost Kamui: Adult: ¥2,200/ Elementary school students: ¥600
Parking Available/Non Charge (50cars)

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