Lake Mashu is a caldera lake formed by the accumulation of water in a depression created by a huge eruption about 7,000 years ago.

The lake is the second clearest in the world (the first is Lake Baikal in Russia).

The reason for the high transparency is that there are no rivers flowing in or out of the lake, and the water temperature is low throughout the year, making it difficult for organisms to live in the lake, which prevents impurities from forming in the water. In addition, the surface of the lake has a unique and beautiful deep blue color, which is called “Mashu Blue.

Since the song “Mashu Lake in the Fog” became a hit in 1966, Japanese people have an image that Lake Mashu is always covered with fog, however, the surface of the lake isn’t visible for about 20% of the year.

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Spot Details

Name Lake Mashu
Address Genya, Teshikaga-cho, Kawakami-gun, Hokkaido
Access By Train:Take the Akan Bus from Mashu Station on the JR Senmo Main Line, get off at the Lake Mashu No. 1 Observatory bus stop, and walk a short distance.
Approx. travel time: 25 min
By Car:70 min from Memanbetsu Airport/80 min from Kushiro Airport
TEL 015-482-1530
Closed Open 365 days per year
Parking Available/Charge (140cars)

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