The park is located on high ground 120 meters above sea level.

It is about a 10-minute drive up a narrow, winding mountain road from Prefectural Road 602.

After a short walk along the green-covered promenade from the parking lot, you will come to an observation deck, which opens up a panoramic view.

The view of the East China Sea and the islands from the observatory is very beautiful.

On a clear day, you can even get a distant view of the Tokara Islands.

This observatory is also famous as a place where you can see the beautiful sunset, when the horizon turns red.

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Spot Details

Name Gamozaki Kanko Park
Address 1551 Yani, Kasari-cho, Amami-shi, Kagoshima
Access 20 min. by car from Amami Airport
TEL 0997-63-1111
Open 24 Hours
Closed Open 365 days per year
Price Free
Parking Available/Non Charge (20cars)

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